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Gianna continuously stared at her husband as they peacefully ate breakfast, their son in his bassinet. Then, she finally came to conclusion that she hated that stupid beard her husband thought looked good on him. Scratch that, she absolutely detested that hideous beard. It was this weird shade of auburn and patchy from the start to the end; and Cody quite frankly looked like a perv, "You staring at it, won't make it go away." Cody didn't even have to look up from his phone to know that his wife was staring at him. Judging him. He had been with her long enough to know the difference between her silence and her judgmental silence; or that fact that Gianna had been quite vocal about her disgust towards his facial hair.

An exaggerated sigh left her plump lips, "Just for once in your life make your wife happy and shave that beard, Cody," Gianna expelled, her eyes begging him to please get rid of that beard, "You look hideous."

Cody chuckled. It wasn't like she hadn't already tried to convince him. The first time she had let him know of her hatred towards his facial hair as as they laid in bed, his face buried into the croak of her neck. That's when she felt the scratchiness coming from him that made her shriek and pulled away, then came the various remarks and quite frankly Cody was willing to piss off Gianna just to see how far this would go, "I was actually thinking of growing it out like, Justin." He winked making his wife stand up from her chair and walk over to Cody, "I'm thinking it might be a look and Samp agrees."

"Kourtney might think Justin looks like a whole meal with that beard but I, Cody Bellinger do not share that same taste. Now, if you really think you're gonna grow that beard out then the couch will be your best friend because there is no way I'm sleeping in the same bed with you and your stupid, ugly and patchy beard of yours,." Gianna hissed out, "I will literally divorce you."

That night Cody found himself sleeping in that couch. Yet, he knew Gianna would never file for divorce. He knew he would sleep on their couch until he got tired of playing tug-a-war with his wife; because Gianna would eventually win.

Authors note!
Here's a quite witty and comical chapter of our favorite parents.
Tbh, I hate Cody's beard as much as Gianna does.

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