Guilt and pain hit me hard as I realized that Zander was afraid of me. He hasn't been afraid of me since the first two weeks that I met him and tried to make him my friend.

I looked down in shame at how I acted in front of him. I could have just threatened the kid off without telling him that I was going to hunt him down. I had to admit, that may have been too much.

"Zander... I didn't mean to-" I tried to speak but he cut me off giving me a look which was just a mixture of different expressions. It was look of disbelief, horror, and disapproval.

"Just shut up," he said, taking me by surprise. He has never been someone to stand up much for himself or even be rude.

"We have to get going. We can't waste our time on other less important matters. School is almost over and I did not hurry here just to have an argument and miss giving Becca her way out."

I was rather taken back but tried to show that I wasn't surprised and a little hurt. "Well then," I said rather awkwardly, "Lead the way then."

I waved my hands dramatically in the direction of the hallway. He nodded.

"Let's go." And before I said even say another word, he started down the hallway. There was nothing I could do except but follow him. I stayed quiet to not make him more angry.

Finally we made it to the outside of a classroom. It was in a tiny little hallway that I've never been down. I may have seen it once but I must've not remembered it at all. It literally only had five classrooms, two on each side of the hallway and one at the very end. We stopped at the second to last door on the right side.

Zander gave me an unease glance. "Now what?"

"You have to try and get her attention," I said but he just kept staring at me like I was speaking another language.

Zander just kept giving me an incredulous look. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'll do it," I said, going around him. There was a window in the corner of the hallway right by the door. I carefully crept up to make sure no one was going to barge out of the door and find us sneaking about.

"What do you see?" Zander said anxiously.

"I haven't even gotten to the door yet!" I whisper/yelled at him. He sighed, frustrated.

"Well get to the door."

"Do you not see me moving?"

"Shut up and get to the window!" he yelled. I had to hold myself from stomping over to the door to let out my frustration.

I peeked out the corner of the window and saw a classroom filled with kids. There were about 6 tables with 4 kids per table. There were big textbooks on the tables with the label "Science: The Solar System." Ugh, I hated having to go through that lesson. Most of the information I've already lost somewhere in my brain.

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