Wilder POV:

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I was in heavenly bliss sitting with Zander, our hands connected, our bodies flushed right up to one another. My head was resting on his head while his was resting on my shoulder. For once, he was relaxing, it didn't look like he was worrying about his father, or what will happen to him when his dad kicked him out.

That was before the bus came. I wanted to curse at it with as any cuss words as I knew. Zander seemed to jump up right away when the bus came, almost seemingly jumped out of a trance. I chuckled at his reaction while he blushed and grabbed his bag.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a smile while also slinging my bag over my shoulder. He looked at me again but quickly looked down while his ears turned pink. What was he blushing for now? I thought.

"I'm actually fine right now," he said and gave me a one of a kind smile.

"Alright, let's get on before the bus leaves us," I said. I grabbed his hand and lead him to the bus, he was just trying to keep up but he was smiling.

The bus driver gave us a weird look and he did notice us holding hands but he didn't say anything. Probably because I gave him this look that clearly said back off. I had to do that to the rest of the kids that saw us on the bus too. God, why can't people just stay in their our business?

Zander curled himself back into his tiny little ball once we sat down. He was probably overwhelmed with all of the attention.

"Where did you go that one day when you told me to cover you in class?" he suddenly asked. Wow, we are actually making progress. Usually on the bus, he never talks; he always keeps to his own little world and I have to start the conversation.

"What? Now you finally ask?" I replied, clearly amused.

"Well, I was going to ask you the other day but then I had to save you from that kid by the buses," he said.

I smirked. "Really? You came to save me? You couldn't even talk his off. I, in the end had to save you."

He squinted his eyes and looked up as though he was lost in thought. "No, I don't think that was how that worked. I believe I came to save you."

I laughed. "No, Zander. I think your heads all mixed up from this morning."

"Uh huh. I know what I saw and you were clearly in distress."

"I didn't need you to come save me; I'm not no damsel in distress!" I said making him laugh. It was a real one and in that moment I knew that everything was going to be alright. He may have had a trauma in the past but with my help, he will push past this. I know he will.

"Anyways, I know that I helped save you now please tell me what you were doing," Zander said again.

I smirked knowingly. "Guess?"

"What did you say?"

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