Zander POV:

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"Lucky. I was never allowed to have a pet. The best pet would have been a street dog that I found one time when I ran away for about a week."

I used to run away when I was younger about every month or so. Sometimes it was for a couple of days or the most a week in a half. My dad never cared, he would always see me when I came back and start off as if I never left. He wasn't that abusive back then so I never had to worry about he hurting Becca. But when he started to hit us, I promised myself to always stay here for her even when it became too much.

"So...? You never answered the question. What is your favorite animal? And it can't be a cat or a dog; it has to be something not as common."

I thought for a second. "How about a puppy?"

"It's in the same family as the dog family."

"So? A fox is also technically in that same family."

He rolled his eyes again. "Just answer the stupid question!"

"I thought I already did."

"Oh my god! Since this question has proved to be too difficult for you how about a different one?"

Of course, Wilder had to make this ridiculous. "It's not a hard question but you just had to add rules and stuff to make it boring."

"It wasn't a rule! It was just a simple question about what animal you liked!"

"But you added the rule that it can't be a dog or cat!" I exclaimed back. I had to let go of his hand to wave my hands in the air to show my emotions. This was just getting stupid now.

"That's not a hard thing to ask! You just couldn't pick a dog or a cat. It's seriously not that hard."

I rolled my eyes and finally complied. "Fine! I guess my favorite animal would be birds. They are free and have no worries. They can fly wherever they please; no one can hold them down. They can literally go anywhere they want," I said and I imagined the wind that would blow in your face in the air.

He looked at me with a small smile on his face and so much affection in his eyes that he made me blush.

"That sounds wonderful," he said.

"I know, that's why I picked it," I said, smirking.

There was just a small moment of silence before he asked yet another question. "What is your favorite movie or TV show?" I threw my head back and groaned.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I asked.

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