This has actually been the only fight since I moved in other than the very first day. If you even called this a fight. I think Wilder was just being a prat and had to get the attention all to himself.

"No! You have to at least try and watch the Flash before you can judge my favorite show like that!" I yelled, scooting my butt farther away from him so he couldn't get the remote. By now, I was at the very end of the couch so there was no more room for me to escape.

"No! I know in my heart that there is no show better than Stranger Things. Now give me the remote before you regret it."

Wilder jumped over me and landed right on top of me, a hand reaching out for the remote. He accidently hit my hand and the remote went flying. We looked at each other, both in horror before we tried to make a move to get it.

Wilder pushed off of me but I grabbed his leg, making him fall facedown into the carpet. I snickered at his weird position on the floor. He looked like he was making out with the couch, his arms still by his side and his feet never even made it off the couch.

"Oh, shut up!" he shouted but it was muffled by the carpet.

I leaped from the couch and tried to run over to the other side of the room but Wilder grabbed my foot. The floor just seemed to fall out right from under me. I landed right on his stomach making him groan and cry out.

"Hey you did that to yourself!" I said with a laugh. He grabbed my arms and turned me around so we were face to face, flushed up right on top of each other. I was still laughing until I saw how close our face were up to each other. He looked oddly serious right now. Oddly enough his eyes weren't on mine. I followed where they went and blushed when I saw that he was focused on my lips.

I couldn't blame him. I, myself, was looking downward to his lips also. They were slightly chapped and pale. Then suddenly he licked his lips which made me almost do something that I never thought I would ever do. Shocked, I pulled back a little, scared for even thinking about that.

Then suddenly, Wilder moved up and before I could do anything, he placed a tiny, little peck on my lips. It was just a little peck - not even a two seconds long. His lips were suddenly on mine and then they weren't. I wasn't even sure what to make of it because I didn't have the time to react. I wasn't even sure that it was real, it happened too fast.

Wilder looked up into my eyes to make sure that I was alright. His eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted, hair all messed up and all I could think about was that in that moment: he looked so cute. I knew he only did it for a second because he wasn't sure how I would react so he didn't push or pressure me to something.

For a while, I was just laying there completely frozen in shock. I didn't look at him. I couldn't. I was thinking. Wilder just looked at me and I knew he was getting more worried by the moment.

I couldn't really believe that Wilder just did that. Did it mean that he likes me? Do I like him? Why would he kiss me? Should I kiss him? Wait, why am I thinking that? Do I like him? Do I like him? That last question was the main question constantly rerunning itself in my brain.

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