"Zander! Zander! I'm sorry but please if you can hear me please answer!" Wilder yelled but he started to sound as if he was getting farther away.

Instead of feeling happy and excited that he was gone, I felt unsettled and a little upset. My heart seemed to shrink and hurt more as he felt. Whenever I ever heard Wilder's voice, trying to find me, I felt a little comfortable and more calm. I felt like I was in control almost but now he's gone.

"Zander! Dude! Please I just want to help you!" he sounded so far away from me now and it was starting to get worse.

Finally I couldn't start it anymore. "Wilder!" I tried to scream but instead it came out weakly and almost a whisper. I had to calm down some so that I can speak clearly. I took a deep breath but you could hear it cracking in the middle and trembling.

"Wilder! Wilder!" I still wasn't loud enough. It took me quite a while to be able to yell fully so Wilder could hear. Luckily, he was still close enough to hear me.

"Zander! Is that you?!" I couldn't answer because my heart was racing way too fast for me to even think correctly, let alone talk.

"Zander! Please just make a sound so I know where to find you!" Wilder yelled. I could barely understand him but I tried my hardest to make any sort of sound. Something came out the second time but it sounded like I was being strangled.

I automatically heard some sort of response. "Zander...." Wilder asked, hesitantly, "I swear if that's not you then I'm leaving this forest because this is creepy as hell."

I tried to laugh but it came out as a cough. "Wilder, just get your butt over here," I said but it came out all weird and cracked. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer, branches crumbling under his feet. It got really loud under he was only a couple of feet away.

"Zander!" Wilder in a breath. "Oh my god. What happened? Oh, nevermind, I know what happened... you are having a panic attack. Why did I ask that question? Oh my god, I'm so stupid and now I'm rambling.I'm totally not helping... Wait, can I do anything to help you?" Wilder just stood right beside me, kinda moving back and forth on his feet as if he was nervous.

"It would help if you calm down," I said in one breath, trying to get control of my breathing.

"Oh right," he said and moved a hand to his back neck and rubbed it sheepishly. "Is there anything else I can do?"

I tried to think clearly of what he could do to help but nothing came to mind. My breathing was getting worse and I couldn't see clearly. I moved my hand involuntary to try to find a heat source or anything source of comfort. Finally I found an arm and I sort of just traveled down it until I found a hand and I held it snuggly.

I felt the hand move and twitch as if he was uncomfortable or nervous but I didn't let go. If anything, I just held on tighter as squeezed with all my might.

"Just breath, Zander. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Copy me now," Wilder than proceeded to take deep breaths and I joined in, somehow finding comfort with another person there that is willing to help me. My first couple of breaths were very uneven but then I would just squeeze his hand tighter and force myself to calm down.

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