25. My happiness

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Slowly but surely, he got better he could walk with the help of a cane he was very optimistic about getting better, Chris was ecstatic to see things going better I know it affected her the most, being so close to losing her mommy as she calls him, I know she was strong but it was heartbreaking waking up to her screams at midnight because she was having nightmares of what happened that day, seeing her not wanting to eat because she was so worried, I can't imagine her pain, traumatized at 7 she was so fragile but it seems as though she is stronger now, I was too at the time felt like everything was ending and that I was never gonna get out the dark hole I was stuck in because he was the only one who could pull me out. After all, it was him that could do that, but now everything is falling into place and becoming normal.

I can't imagine a day without him, he is my everything, after all, being together since high school, me proposing at graduation, getting officially married a year after, buying our home, becoming a small but beautiful family, we have been together over 7 years I couldn't just give that up because a crazy bitch ruined her life, I was scared, it was so rare since I rarely felt fear until of course, I started to date him, I understood why I hadn't fallen in love with someone before him, I was just gaining experiences to be with him, but we grew up with each other he was watering me like a plant with all his support and love.

How could I not love the guy who loved me with my daughter, stayed with me, and raised her as his own?

I can go on about how I love him, but my life wouldn't be enough to make him justice, I just want to see what the future holds us, to have more birthdays and holidays, being with our friends and make new ones on the road, seeing Chris grow up and become a beautiful, smart and independent woman, I wonder what kind of life she will live, I hope from the bottom of my heart she finds someone that will love her as much as I love him, I can't wait to see her graduate, to go to prom, to see her make her dreams come true, see everything happen with him by my side, to grow old with him.

-what you thinking about?- he said with I rested my head on his lap, enjoying that he was running his fingers through my hair, I smiled.

-the future- I said calmly.

-is that so?-

-yes, I was thinking about all the things we are gonna do together, the happy life we are gonna live together, seeing our baby grow up and be a woman, stuff like that- I said as I opened my eyes to see him, I put my hand on his cheek and caressed it.

-thank you-

-for what?- he said softly, knowing exactly what I mean.

-for coming into my life, for filling my empty self with love and joy, for deciding to make a family with me, for loving us in such a way everyone can feel it, for being you- as I said looking into his eyes, they started to get teary.

-Levi you know I love you more than anything and I can not imagine a life any other way, I love being your husband, I love being Levianne's mom, I love my life, I'm so happy and blessed that I have everything and more, I just can't express how much I love you- I heard every single word, I know he was getting emotional because well he almost died, I know that from now one we will without a doubt, demonstrate even more how much we love each other.

-I love you thank you for being my happiness-

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