04. It doesn't matter

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I woke up to my mothers' kiss, she had a gentile smile adorning her face even though I could tell she was tired, I rubbed my eyes while sitting up and yawning.
"mom it's early-" It was 5:43 am, I was confused and couldn't register what is she doing in my room.
"I know just that my lady boss called last night, I have an urgent trip from today and 4 more days, for some new training and trying to get supplies somewhere else since it will be more cost-effective, I just came to say goodbye, at least call me during dinner, m'kay?" I got up from my bed and hugged my mom, I'm not gonna lie I'm sleepy as hell but I need to give her a proper goodbye.
"Be careful, mom eat right, I love you" I pulled away from the hug and she caressed my cheek with her hand and I leaned my head on her hand.
"there's a lot of food on the shelves and fridge, I left some money in the cookie jar for anything you want ok? but don't buy things you don't need" I nodded and gave her another hug, to which I felt like sleeping in it.
"Mom don't overwork yourself ok?" I force my sleepy eyes to make contact with her so she knows I'm being serious.
"Yes sir" she saluted me with two fingers, I rolled my eyes, she kissed my forehead multiple times before I begged her to stop between laughs, then I got into bed and she left my room, I slept only 20 minutes, I couldn't sleep anymore, even if I tried, the sleep just left my body even though I was meant to sleep in a bit longer, by that time mom already left, so I went to my bathroom to take a shower, I took my time washing my hair, body face and teeth, even sang a few songs, after my shower I grabbed my towels, wrapping one around my waist while with the other I dried my hair while walking to my room, I checked the time.
6:26 am, I still had time till I had to walk to the tracks, I went to my drawer and pulled out a boxer and a pair of socks, putting them on, after that task, I got a message.

•good morning you awake?

•yasss morning

•getting ready?

•of course, a handsome
guy like me needs to take
his time

•oh wow

I walked to my closet and pulled out a black T-shirt, that said 'zombie' in big green letters, I also got my jeans and my jacket, sliding the dark blue skinny jeans on, I combed my hair, styling it until I was satisfied, then proceeded to grab my bag, stuffing my phone charger, and some other gadgets in it such as earphones, PSP, along with some video games I had promised Armin, I'd let him borrow, my phone dinged, grabbing it, Isaw the sender was Levi, reading the text while putting on my black converse.

•you know this world is against
You when there are no apples

I rolled my eyes, apples? So apples are his favorite fruit? Who knows, but I felt bad for the guy so I decided to bring him one.

•ill take you one ok?


•yes really, green or red?



Going to the kitchen and on the marble counter and saw a note.
'Call me at dinner don't forget! Lock the goddamn doors! Clean the house, I don't want to come and find a mess! And most of all I love you! Sleep early and you can invite friends over, mostly that cutie you showed me! Love you!
~mom '
Mom, you are such a weirdo ah! I crumpled the note and thrown it in the trash bin, but felt bad and took it out straighten it and put it in the fridge with one of the magnets there, started walking towards the tracks, but obviously before leaving I turn off every electronic device that was not in use grabbed Levi's apples and locked the doors.
I got to the tracks and waited around 7 minutes before I saw Levi's truck, he got the closest possible and I hopped in.
"Morning you" he greeted me and I smiled at him.
"Morning person" I greeted back, he stared at me looking annoyed? I didn't know what he needed or wanted.
"Is there a problem?" I asked concerned after a few minutes, he shook his head in disbelief.
"You don't greet me just like that," he said annoyed.
"Then how then?" I was so confused last time I checked that how you greet humans.
"Like this" He placed his hand behind my head and pulled me in for a kiss, wow, he is a maniac! We are not dating and I'm supposed to greet him like this? But we did somewhat agree on knowing each other better, back to the kiss, it was so gentile yet, lustful, we broke the kiss because we needed oxygen, I smiled like an idiot, what? It's nice to be kissed in the morning.
"that's how you meant to greet me ok?" I nodded and looked to the road, Levi started our journey to the living draining hell that goes by the name
'High school'.

Arriving at the school building Levi drove to the back, so that way we would get to the parking lot.
Parking his truck he looked at me.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Let's just stay here" His request was odd but I went along.
"Okay, here" I took the apples out of my bag and gave them to him.
"I'll only take the red, eat the green you probably didn't have time to eat right?" Aww he worries about something so trivial like that.
"I didn't" I answer and took a bite of the green apple, he followed along and bit the red apple and I swear I almost died, him eating that apple was so so sexy.
"Gimme a bite" Levi suddenly leaned in to take a bite, I turn the apple so he doesn't bite where I had already eaten, and he gave my green apple a bite, the crunch sound he made was really loud, his lips slid so perfectly on the apple, I turned away to distract myself, and if that wasn't enough he took another bite.
"Thanks" I look back at him and he cleaned his mouth with the back of his hand.
"No problem" I start eating my apple again, call me crazy but the simple act of me biting the places Levi bit, made me feel flustered, I had finished my apple and so did Levi he just throws his outside.
"It's not loitering, it's organic so it helps... I'm guessing?" he shrugged and I soon followed his action.
"so we still got like..." I checked my phone, 23 minutes.
"23 minutes"
"come here" he patted the middle seat, I slid myself across to where he wanted, he placed his arm around my waist and pulled me on his lap, with my back facing the window, it was kinda weird how I was positioned, so I weirdly moved myself to where I was sitting on him and my legs to his side, he had moved the seat back so we wouldn't be cramped up.
"I know what to do" He gave me a peck, but I lingered more than that, but he went directly to my neck, sliding his snaky tongue from the bottom of my neck up to my earlobe, I bit my lip pushing him back.
"Levi people are gonna stare" I say in a low tone, as I could hear other students out there, he ignored me and pulled down the collar of my shirt and sucked my collarbone, I closed my eyes letting the pleasure be, my skin had goosebumps the simple act of him making a hickey made me shrink, I couldn't imagine what else he could do.
"I have claimed you mine" He whispered in my ear, claim? Nuh-uh, if I'm being marked so is he, I smiled deviously at him, he looked confused and I started to give him small kisses on his jawline, then lowered the kisses, did the same as he did, and sucked on his collar bone skin, I could feel Levi tense, but that didn't stop me at all.
I let go of his skin, and a beautiful purple mark was there, I kissed it and turned to Levi.
"I'm guessing you claimed me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I guess I did" I got off his lap and sat next to him, I pulled my phone out to see the hickey, I'm gonna kill him, it's huge! And almost black!.
"you bastard! Look what you did?!" I point to the hickey and he smirked, he pulled down the mirror above his head and analyzed my work.
"well, at least people are going to know that you're mine" Okay that's sweet and all but still! Thank the flying horses my mom is on a trip because if not she would be asking weird questions, and I don't wanna answer them.
"come on let's go," he said starting to get his things, grabbing my things, and got off, Levi walked next to me after he locked the truck's doors, I felt something touch my hand, looking down I saw Levi's hand, he intertwined our fingers, I looked up facing him, he looked forward, he was calm.
"um..." I said a bit confused. 
"Yeah?" I couldn't find the right words but I had to ask.
"You don't care about... You know people?" We were getting close to the entrance.
"No" he spoke annoyingly calm, but I was happy he didn't care, he pushed the door with his back and gestured me to enter, so I did, we didn't let go of our hands, it was sweet that we started acting like this and if Levi didn't care about people, neither would I.
"It doesn't matter" he looked at me directly making eye contact.
"As long you stand with me" he kissed me, it felt so sincere, people were staring, and I didn't care, hell! Let people know I'm gay! Let them know I'm with Levi! I don't care! I have been hiding all this time it was the moment for me to be free and not care, the bell rang and we separated, I smiled, he gave me a smirk.
"Well see you at lunch," He said while squeezing my hand and letting go.
"See you" I smiled back and my hand felt cold, Levi headed to his locker and I did the same but I noticed some stares, but I didn't care, I felt content, I guess it doesn't matter if things go this smooth, then I don't care, it doesn't matter at all.

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