22. No. Please no

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I was utterly surprised when I saw the fancy restaurant Levi had booked us in, just to eat breakfast.
Anne was ecstatic at the gorgeous lounge, she had the biggest smile plastered on her face, I was almost sure she was stuck that way, Levi nudged me to move as a host showed us our table. Let me say when Levi wants to surprise he will sure surprise you.

My husband helped Levianne sit in her chair having to pick her up and push her a tad forward, she thanked him with a sweet smile, Levi kissed her head and did the same to me, I also thanked him and he sat last, the host left and soon a blonde waitress came to take our order, I knew this girl it was Ymir's fiancé, Historia, or Christa she has a confusing past.
Historia had her hair up in a neatly made bun, her make-up was natural, she made her lashes pop out so her big blue eyes stood out more than usual.
Clothing was fancy enough to be the waiter of this restaurant as she had a blood-red collar blouse, with a black vest that hugged her small curves, followed by a plain black skirt that stopped above her knees, Historia had a warm smile on her face as she stood beside our table and handed us menus.

"Nice to see you again Tory, how's Ymir?" She smiled and replied.
"She is doing well, kinda stressed about the wedding also about the baby" I smiled as I hear her enthusiasm.
"How far are you?" Levi asked interested in the topic.
"I'm 16 weeks and going" she smiled and unconsciously placed a hand on her lower stomach.
"Congrats, we wish you the best if you like take a stop by the house and we will give you some of Levianne's baby stuff, I believe we still have her crib and other things that you might find useful, and don't worry its all gender-neutral stuff" Historia smiled as I gave her my offer, better have another baby give use to the baby stuff rather having it lay useless in the attic.
"Sure do. Sorry, may I ask your order?" She asked as she raised a notepad at the same time she pulled out a pen her blonde hair.
"I want strawberry pancakes! With lots of whip cream and vanilla ice cream please!" Anne suddenly burst out making us adults, chuckle.
"Ok and for you guys?..." She briefly looked up at Levi.
"I'll have a spinach omelet with a piece of salmon, with orange juice and coffee" Levi handed off the menu to Historia and looked at me waiting for me to order.
"Id like... A fruit mix, also a spinach omelet and french toast also with orange juice and coffee and for Levianne a strawberry shake, just blend strawberries and milk" Historia nodded as she wrote down everything, she grabbed Anne's and my menu's, and headed off.

Breakfast was delightful, I enjoyed having quality time with my family, the food was safe to say it was a 5 star, I believe we will come here more often, I loved the way Anne gobbled up the strawberry pancakes that lead Levi to scowl her for not being 'lady like', to in my opinion its dumb like why would a kid on her birthday has to act like a 'lady' pshh, let's talk about that when she's in her teens, that's when shit goes down.

"Mom I'm going to the bathroom" Anne spoke softly to which I gave a nod and she headed off to the lady's room.
"So what were you thinking?" Levi looked curious at me.
"When Anne becomes a teenager, and shit goes down" I looked at my husband and his face looked paler, I laughed and kissed him.
"Don't worry we have each other for when her hormones get crazy" he chuckled.
"Parenthood," he said sarcastically, I laughed and Tory came back with the check a few minutes later.
"Um, Tory can I ask you a favor?" I asked hesitantly.
"Sure can do" she replied with a warm smile.
"Can you go to the toilets and check on Anne please?" I asked a bit concerned since she is short for her age which means she has 'struggles' if you know what I mean.

Historia moments came back, having a confused look.
"She wasn't there, does she often wander off?" She asked with a little panic.
"No she doesn't" I got up from my seat and felt my heart shrink, Levi shot up and begun looking for Anne.
"You go to the parking lot and I'll check here ok?" I only nodded and ran outside in search of my daughter, and that's when I heard her voice.

"Anne! Where are you, honey!" I walked toward her voice spinning in place to see where she was.
"Mom! Help! Mommy!" I ran to the left and recognizing a certain strawberry blond, my feet ran to my crying daughter, Levianne was kicking, punching, and wiggling free from Petra's grasp, but she held her close to her body.
"Let her go you bitch! Let go of my daughter!" I ordered her, Petra screamed at me.
"She is my daughter! Mine! Not yours!" She said squeezing Anne to her chest.
"I'm calling the police!" A lady screamed.
"Mommy! I'm scared!" My baby yelled in her high-pitched voice.
"No my love it's ok she will let you go if she knows what's best for her" I was face to face with Petra, she was holding my daughter in her filthy hands, to be honest Petra looked awful, she was skinny, looked like she hasn't showered in days, had horrible bags under her eyes, but her pupils were not normal, she was high, I heard footsteps getting closer and by the way Anne cried it was Levi, Petra backed away a few feet away trying to run.

"Let her go, now," he said in his scary tone, but Perra didn't seem affected by it, she laughed like a maniac, Anne cried out fear, she was terrified of her biological mother that she didn't know of or at least knew who she was, but I forced Anne to focus on me, her blue orbs filled with tears understood what I mean with only one look, she bit hard on Petra's hand, Petra let go of Anne and she ran towards me.
"No!" I saw her pull a gun and point it at my daughter, and then everything fell to a blur, I heard a loud bang, Levi shouted my name, and then I felt pain in my lower back.

"Anne you ok?! Baby speak to me!" Levi rushed to my side, luckily for Anne I blocked the bullet, but now I was in pain, never in my life, I thought id be shot, nor that the pain was this horrible, I felt blood sweep down and damp my clothes.
"Hey stay with me" I heard from the distance, my vision was becoming blurry, it was hard to concentrate, Anne patted my face and I slowly felt my body lean forwards, everything around me felt surreal, right there and then I lost my consciousness.

Why me? [Levi x male reader] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now