16. Attached

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One month has passed since Petra told us she was pregnant, also it has been a month since I and Levi had started our relationship being life partners, a lot has happened in this month, like my mom was completely ok with the decision Levi took, her exact words were:
'I'm proud of you Levi, you decided to take responsibility for your daughter, and you avoided her a painful childhood because you knew you and that girl couldn't make it so I trust your reasoning, just don't hurt my kid', Levi and I were so taken aback at her response, but I had a hint of she let me because Mark and Heith live now with us, it is not as bad as we thought, Heith has even started calling mom well mom and she is more than happy to have someone else to give her motherly love; anyways I and Levi had gone crazy over the baby, seriously crazy, like we made nursery, well...Levi had to give half of his room to the baby which he did have a large room so there was no problem splitting it.

Levi made her a crib, which was a bonus cus he needed a good grade in his woodcraft class thingy, and he decided to do her the crib, it was a nice white crib, but what I like the most was it was forest-themed, it had little designs of tree branches, the crib is such a beautiful piece and it is well deserved for the baby, Levi's room now looked more like a tiny apartment, the baby's half was a very faint pink and a leave-less tree was painted as the background done by yours truly, and forest plush animals as another decor, just because Levi said he didn't want his room to be 'girly' it looks neutral but not bad; anyways we bought, and I say we because I'm being an active role in this weird, but true; we bought blankets, baby clothes, bottles, pacifiers, diapers, and little by little was buying milk, we have around 34 cans, and it's expensive as hell and it won't last that long surprisingly. 

Also, Levi and I work as waiters in the most 'fancy' restaurant there is in town, we are saving money for any emergencies at a bank account, we are saving like crazy.

I know you might say that 'How dumb he is giving money and worrying for a kid that's not even his' i heard this more than once, but the reason I'm this way with the baby is that Petra has been weirdly attached to me.
Cravings? I go for them.
Feels sick at school? I take care of her.
Her mood swings? I'm the one to tolerate them.
Helping her with everything? Me. Me. Me. Me.
Levi even gets mad that I act more like the dad than he is, or jealous that I'm more with Petra than with him, I just tell and constantly repeat him it's the baby even it surprises me.
That is the reason why I'm happy and excited for this baby girl.
"So what should we name her?" It was a Saturday, I stayed at his home, and we've had a hard time since this afternoon, Levi and I have gone over around 346 names, no joking, it is just hard to name a kid.
"I don't know, why is it so hard?!" I groan in annoyance, I laid on the carpet, pushing some books aside, Levi joined me.
"I don't know," he said while rubbing his face.
"So many names, meanings," he said looking at the ceiling fan.
"And if you choose wrong it's her doom," I said dramatically, he pinched my side.
"I never imagined myself doing this" I confessed.
"Me neither, in 3 months ill be a father," he said in disbelief.
"Seems so little"
"It feels that way," he said in all honesty, to be honest, my self I'm scared of what if we don't make it.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He pulled me closer to him, I breathed slowly taking in his scent, I denied with my head.
"What is wrong," he said more firmly.
"It's just, what if we break up shortly," I said with a sad sigh.
"It's just like yeah Petra is all nice and shit, just because she is attached to me, but what will happen when she is born? Will she hate me? What if she makes you decide on me and the baby? What if she doesn't let you see her, Levi I'm scared, I'm loving this baby, and I'm afraid I won't even see her, I'm giving my all to her but what if it's worthless?" I never noticed how broken I sounded, tears slowly fell, I swear I'm loving that baby girl, I swear I wanna be part of her life, but since I'm nobody Petra can easily tell me to leave her alone and id have no choice but to leave.

"You are beating yourself up" he hugged me and kissed my forehead.
"Yes she is attached to you, but even so she knows all you are doing for that baby, I don't think she's cruel enough to not let you be in her life, your as important in this as we are, don't be scared nor get your head all beaten up cus of this, I love you, and I have been loving you more for what you been doing" he brought our lips together, a gentle loving kiss, the ones you know everything will be better, and they are probably going to be better, maybe he is right, I guess I am beating myself for basically nothing, all I have to do is wait, we have three months to go, only three, and that little kicking angel will be born, I want to know how she looks.

"Hey, when is Petra's next appointment?" Levi asked after breaking the kiss, I bit my lip to think.
"Next Tuesday, yeah she told me I needed to be there" I half smiled, he nodded in response, we laid there for around three hours or even more, we were exhausted and needed to rest.

"I have it!" I shot up and scared the living shit out of Levi.
"Golden shit! You scared me!" I laughed at his cursing, remembering how he wanted to have a 'clean' language when the baby is born but let's face it, it won't happen.
"Huh?" He said confused.
"Levianne, the name for the baby" I smiled, I actually liked it.
"Levianne" Levi let the name roll off his mouth.
"I like it, but I also like Chris" I rolled my eyes.
"She is a girl, why would you name her that?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.
"Ok listen, Levianne Chris Ackerman" ok it did have a ring to it.
"I guess it can work" I admitted.
"Then that is her name, Levianne Chris, that's the name of our baby," he said with a smile, our baby, huh doesn't sound bad.

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