18. Growing up

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Its been two weeks since Levianne has been born, and its been hard to say at least, she has been inside the NICU for all this time, luckily she is making progress, she had surgery three days ago from heart problems but she is progressing well the doctors say that maybe in another week or so we can take her home if she keeps it up, Kuchel was right she is an Ackerman after all,  as for us... It's been crazy that is the best way to describe it, between school, work, Levianne, and the legal process of taking custody and all rights away from Petra, it has us drained, we barely sleep or eat, the only thing that keeps us going is that there will be a week free from school so at we will have some extra time to sleep maybe...
-sweetie you ok?- mom asked, I rubbed my face and shook my head no.
-I'm just tired mom- I sighed and propped my chin on my palm.
-come to my room- my mom ordered as she was walking over there I got up from the kitchen table and went to her room, as I got there she ordered me to take my shirt off.
-ok but why?- I asked as I took my shirt off.
-I'm going to massage you so you can take a nap you need it- I nodded and laid down on her bed, a few seconds later my mom started to massage my back, around what I think 10 minutes or so I started to fall asleep or at least be in a trance I could feel my mom's hands working up my back and now she was under my shoulder blades, I could hear my mom cursing about how many knots my back had and that's why I was feeling bad, I just relaxed and let my mom do her magic, before I knew it she was massaging my head feeling for any tension there might be.
-my poor baby- she said kissing my cheek and covering me up with a blanket, she was done and left so I could sleep which I eventually did, I let myself wander in dreamland.

I woke up to Heith nudging me so I could answer my phone.
-thanks- I said taking it with a yawn, he nodded and left probably to play games or whatever, but I answered my phone.
-hey babe- I heard Levi's tired voice through the speaker.
-how are you doing love? Off from work?- I asked.
-yeah just got off, what about you?- I could hear the tiredness in his voice and it made me feel bad that I just took a very good nap.
-mom gave me a massage and I fell asleep without knowing, I barely woke up because Heith handed me my phone since it was ringing- I explained while walking out of my mom's room and going towards mine instead.
-that's good you needed to rest its been as crazy for you as for me, I'm heading to your place to stay over so we can finish our homework- he said calmly.
-ok ill be waiting here for you- I said rubbing the tiredness out of my face.
-ok babe see you in a few-
-bye-bye- and he hung up, I looked around my room and it was somewhat of a mess so I started cleaning so Levi wouldn't stress over a 'dirty working place' as he has quoted before.

Not long after, I'm guessing 17 minutes later a knock on the door was heard and Heith went to open it, I checked my room one last time before heading to the living room.
-oh great you bought pizza!- I said walking over to him to kiss him.
-yeah I thought that maybe we guys can hang out for a while- he said opening one box of pizza to take a slice and give it a bite.
-sounds good to me, mom and dad are going to come late since they had to travel- Heith said while doing the same as Levi.
-that's good then come on let's watch a movie or something, I need a distraction before going to do my homework- Levi said taking the pizzas to the couches and placing them on the center table.

-sounds good by me- Heith said while sitting on the floor and finishing his slice to get another one, I walked over to the couch and sat next to Levi, it was a tad weird the way he was acting, he seemed a bit off but I wasn't going to question him in front of Heith, Heith may get along with us and doesn't judge our relationship he is still kinda young to know our problems or even understand them, anyway I grabbed a slice of pizza and starting eating it while Levi and Heith discussed on what they wanted to watch.


"So you ok?" I asked as I grabbed my school bag and placed it on my bed.
"Yeah, well you know the usual that's all" he simply replied sitting on my desk, slowly spinning in my chair looking at the ceiling, I sighed and grabbed my homework, it wasn't much because I've recently been doing it during lunchtime or free time between classes since I have either work or visit Levianne.

"What's your homework?" Levi asked passing a pen through his fingers, I checked my homework and it was some math problems, a Spanish questioner, and a speech.
"Some Math, Spanish, and a speech" I replied while doing the math problems, Levi began doing his work while working he played a Pink Floyd album on his phone to help him concentrate, it also helps me since they have some pretty good calming songs in my opinion.
"So what's the theme of your speech?" Levi asked still doing his work.
"Um, it's..." I checked my papers "it is about 'will war ever stop?' tricky topic" I said as words slowly begun to flow in my mind as to what the intro and main body should be about.
"It is and it will never stop, as for us humans disagree on everything, from religion to sexuality to how we look or where we are from, so a war as small as it might be there will always be a reason to make one," he said sighing and rubbing his temples, I sloppily took notes of what he said as that would help me make a point.
"Hey what are you working on?" I asked him, he shrugged and sighed, then started to rub his undercut (the thing he only does when tired or mad) I got up and hugged him, and kissed the top of his head, he leaned in towards me.
"I know it's been hard, between Levianne, Petra, school, work, and me"
"Your not a problem" pulled my arm so I can look at him.
"It's just growing up so much in so little time, is exhausting, I love my daughter, I love you, I don't mind the things I do, I just wished Petra didn't ruin everything, it would have worked but no, she was so selfish she almost killed our daughter, I hope she changes, not for me but Levianne, but to ask so would be like asking an apple tree to give pears" he was right, she didn't want to change, the fact that she wants to use Levianne as a way for others to feel bad for her, it is ridiculous.

"Some mom Levianne has, I thought she cared for her but I was wrong," I said sadly, I'm so thankful for my mom, that that is the kind of parent I want to be for Levianne, I know km, not blood-related to her, but blood by choice is thicker than the water from the womb, guess everyone grows up in different ways, but someday we have to grow up.

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