11. Loving memories

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A month has passed since Levi and I are official and might I say, it has been a wild month.
He and I are doing fine, I even got to meet Levi's wonderful mother, Kuchel, she is so beautiful, she has beautiful black and long hair, her gorgeous dark blue eyes(whom Levi inherited), it seems as if she could be Levi's sister shocker but it funny that there used to it, she is so nice and always has a welcoming smile, I thought all the niceness would end when she knew the type of relationship Levi and I had. But to my surprise, she took it very well, I remember her asking me how was Levi as a lover, even though it was a little awkward, considering our sex life, but I had managed to say that with Levi, it was in the best relationship I've ever been in, she just nodded walked to her son and kissed his forehead.

On the other hand... With my mom, she has tried to make me bond with Mark's son, it's hard since he is 13 and rebellious and not over the fact that his parents are no longer together, Mark loves my mom and if I had to let them have a happy relationship so does Heith, my mom has been there so much for me, of course, she's my mom, but not all moms do what she has done for me, I understand Heith for acting how he does but he needs to understand that Mark and mom, maybe will get married soon heck! maybe have another kid... Mom will love Heith no matter what he just needs to warm up to her and knowing my mom, that will come sooner than later.

"Dude!" I jumped in place.
"Oh, my yellow reindeer!" I place my hand above my mustang racing heart, I breathed slowly, Levi scared the living shit out of me.
"Okay you spaced out around 15 minutes," Levi said looking at me.
"What has you troubled? You are not acting like yourself" shrugging and crossed my arms around my chest, feeling my heart beating get to its normal rate.
"Well... How can I explain this" I placed my index finger on my chin thinking how to word my stupid stress.
"I guess you can say that I'm worried for Heith, he is having a hard time adjusting to everything" I looked at him and he placed me on his lap, taking my head on his chest, I could hear his heartbeat, that wonderful organ that is giving Levi life, pumping through all his body blood to keep him alive, I loved being this way with him, the sensation of calmness that washed over me with every heartbeat.

Pum... Pum... Pum... Pum

"Well he will get used to it very soon your mom is a charm and will win him over you'll see" Levi's voice vibrated on his chest, his chin rested on top of my head, his palm made friction on my back, giving me a pleasant warmth, while his other hand intertwined our fingers.
"Mark also" I reply with a sigh.
"What?" I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip.
"It might sound ridiculous but, I'm jealous of him having my moms attention like I want her to be happy but I guess I'm just so used to it just being me and her that I couldn't imagine or picture Mark with us, then again my mom has always been there for me, she even approves of us, which not a lot of moms do, it has been a tad crazy but I like Mark even if now he has mom to himself" I sighed once more and breathed in Levi's enchanting cologne, I'd never get tired of smelling him, it might seem weird but, I liked doing that, Levi also had grown the habit of sitting me on his lap, and caressing my hair.

"Well, I guess you are growing as a human and I love that and if this mamas boy was able to be happy for them so will Heith, I love you babe" My heart just melted at that nickname, I loved the way he would say 'babe'; that later on, I figured out that was my contact name on his phone, I have to say I was happy that it'd changed from 'Clorox, I left him the same name as I did the first time.
"I guess so, and I love you more" I pulled away from him.
"What are we going to cook, we promised your mom that we'd cook for her" I traced my finger on Levi's chest, feeling every defined muscle, I stared at my actions as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Well, I might have cooked everything already" he shugged, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Levi! Gah! Are you serious?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms above my chest.
"Well my mom isn't going to be here"
"What do you mean? I thought today we were going to eat with her" I was dumbfounded.
"Well as you said we were meant to have dinner with her but I have other plans" he smirked.
"Ok, I'm confused" furrowing my brows.
"Just wait here, you know what change into the clothes I brought from your house" I nodded... Wait when the fuck he got in my closet?
"The day before yesterday I got them, I have something... Special? You can say that" he shrugged then I got off him, all this sounds so fishy.
"Ok, in your room?" I asked walking towards it automatically since we were in the living room.
"Yes just change and wait till I call you ok?" I nodded and followed his orders.
I walked to his room and entered his pure pearl-like room with black wooden furniture, and my clothes were laying on his king-sized bed, my 3/4 white button-up dress shirt, was combined with my black dress pants, but kept it me with black vans, simple but a tad elegant. I stripped from my plain light blue t-shirt and my sweats.

I looked at myself on the full-length mirror Levi had in the corner of his room, I had to admit I looked good, running my fingers through my hair styling it, satisfied with my looks I wondered about what Levi was planning on doing that I got to his drawers looking for his cologne, finding my favorite one I sprayed some under my ears on my wrists and a few on my shirt.

Knock. Knock.

"You ready?" He asked as he opened the door, staring at me one last time I nodded.
"Yeah" I took a deep breath "I'm ready"
Levi opened his bedroom door wider to let me pass, I got a good look at my boyfriend, who had on a bloody red button-up shirt, with black dress pants, with black heel converse, he smiled at me, so did I.
"So... What is the occasion?" I rubbed my hand and rocked on my heels.
"Just say we're gonna make a loving memory" Then gave me genuine smile.

"Ok open them" even though we were just walking to the dining room he made me close my eyes, I slowly opened them.
"Oh my, Levi this is beautiful" The dining table was filled with food, had the glass chandelier off to very dim light, but candles illuminated, giving it a romantic feel to it, red roses adorned the center, walking to the table I couldn't explain how mesmerized I was.

"By the look on your face, you like the surprise" I could only nod.
"Then let us eat" we sat across from each other and he had already served the food, which was chicken breast, filled with ham, cheese, and mushrooms, all bathed with a special sauce, the sides were white rice and mixed vegetables, I took a piece of the chicken breast, cutting it with my fork since it was tender, and ate.
"Wow, you do know how to cook" I teasingly said with a hand over my mouth, Levi just chuckled.

"Guess that's a compliment?" He asked and opened a wine bottle and poured the red liquid on two wine glasses.
"It is" I smiled, he handed me a cup and I took a small sip, it tasted really good and felt fancy.

Finishing dinner I had my elbow propped on the table with my chin resting on my palm.
"You know we have been dating each other for a while now" Levi suddenly spoke.
"A month to be exact" I replied and smiled, I started to slowly eat and enjoy my strawberry shortcake.
"Yeah well that, also I wanted to get things more serious" my eyes widen, I could not believe his words and as on queue I bit something hard, I pulled out the metal thingy and cleaned it with a napkin. It was a ring, a simple silver band.

"You found it" he half-smiled.
"Le-Levi?" I stuttered, was this what I think it was?
"No, I'm not asking you to marry me" oh... my heart broke a little.
"Yet" wait what?! "It's a promise ring I've been meaning to ask you one question" I simply nodded, my eyes glued on the ring then back to him multiple times.
"Will you be my partner for life and never leave me?" My eyes shot up from the ring to him he was scratching his undercut and had a shy smile.
"I..." Words didn't come out I was sinking in the information that was giving to me.
"Yes," I finally managed to say, of course, I want to stay with Levi for the rest of my life, I know we are young so marriage is out of the picture but this was perfect and odd seeing he thought the same as me, I was thinking about doing the same only on our third month, but this was perfect, everything was so perfect.
"Really?" He asked as if he didn't hear right, I nodded and slid the ring on my ring finger.
"Yeah, I was going to ask you that but you won me on it" I chuckled.

Why me? [Levi x male reader] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now