20. Real parent

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It had been a whole month getting prepared for court, we had gotten much evidence that was required and we are  99% sure we will win with everything we have, the only problem is that, what kind of judge we are going against, it could be a free-minded one or a complete nutshell were they believed that the mother sole rights to have the baby just because she is the mother.

We also pressed charges against Petra for drug abuse while pregnant, but not much had been done, they only gave her 20 days in jail for almost killing our daughter, but the big day is today.

I knew he was worried I could tell by the way he was fidgeting with his thumbs, I was too, I can't imagine hearing that my baby would be taken away from me and handed to that monster, I wish I could kill her, I know it is harsh but that's how I feel, she doesn't love our daughter, she doesn't love the beautiful baby Chrissy is, she doesn't have a heart because I can't explain to myself how can she not fall in love with Chrissy laughs, her eyes, her smiles, I don't know how she doesn't seem interested in her when she felt her inside, having that bond only woman have the privilege of having, I don't know how cruel can she be to not love her.

I have gotten all the necessary documents and evidence I needed to use in court having checked them one too many times to ease my mind that I'm not missing anything that can make us have the slightest chance of losing Chrissy, I have never believed in God or anything like that but if there is a higher force I beg of you to keep custody of my daughter she deserves the world and her mother will never be able to do that, I just want my daughter to be safe in my arms, I was in the bathroom brushing all my hair back, it gives me a more mature look and ill do anything to make me seem like the best option in the eyes of the judge.

I will win my daughter's custody, I swear I will.


"I swear I was peer pressured into taking those drugs! I was lonely and was scared of having a baby, I love my daughter, but I wasn't ready!" Petra started crying, I had to keep my cool because id already been barking and calling out on her bullshit, I was about to lose it.
"Objection, your honor, I have proof and witnesses that state she bought the drug with her own money and consumed it without nobody's peer pressure" My lawyer, Mark's brother stood and told the judge, she looked and Petra then my lawyer.

"Bring me the evidence" Beck went and delivered the black folder containing posts on social media, texts she sent to her friends, and pictures.
"I also have a video your honor if I may" Petra looked horrified, but kept playing the suffering mother.
"Play the video" Mark hooked up his laptop to a tv screen, then played the video, it showed Petra drinking and stealing alcohol from others, she was moving and jumping like she didn't have a pregnant stomach, then we witnessed her taking a line in and popping some pills in her mouth, then the camera turned to focus on the guy who gave us the video and said 'party mama rocks!' And Petra screaming in agreement.
"No that's not true! That isn't me!"
"Bullshit!" I yelled feeling my blood boil.
"Order!" The judge yelled and I sat down breathing heavily trying to calm down but my frustration is way too much for me to deal with.
Hours had passed in court and everything was in our favor, from us being honor students, that are working and paying hospital bills, from the way our friends and family were supporting us, teachers, our bosses, and everyone we know was there to state that we were better parents for Chris than Petra was, even her lawyer was looking afraid since he was loosing since everything he came to defend her was brought down to shred with our evidence, the judge called a recess, and to let the decision be made.
"Guys everything looks like it's going on our favor, Petra has nothing on us," Beck said confidentiality.
"Thank you Beck we hope she gets to be with us I wouldn't know what to do without her, she isn't my daughter of blood but by heart she is I love her, I can't imagine my life without her" I hugged him and softly passed my hand through his hair.
"Don't worry we will win" he placed a hand on my and his shoulder and gave it a squeeze then left, he gave us some private time.
"I love you don't forget it," I told him as I squeezed him more in the hug, he did so too.
"I love you more thank you for being my lover," he said with a cracked voice, I placed my hands on either side of his face and kissed him, a very slow and passionate kiss, so he knew that he was the only one who I was going to be for the rest of my life, then I placed our foreheads together.
"I love you," I said as I bit my lip and closed my eyes, I felt his warm hand cupping my cheek and I smiled.
"Seen as all the evidence Levi Ackerman as brought, talking to every witness who gave their testimony, I hereby declare the accused guilty of all charges and the custody of minor Levianne Chis Ackerman shall be given to Levi Ackerman, the accused having no right or visitation to the minor, and I convey a restraining order so the accused has no contact with the minor nor the holder of her custody."
"No! That's impossible! That's my daughter! You can't do that!"Petra yelled furious at the judge as I felt so relieved of hearing her say I can keep my daughter, feeling peace rush all through my body and now all i wanted to see the love's of my lives and hold them tight and not let go.

"Order!, I also sentence 5 years for the possession and use of illegal substances, take her away" Petra cried and cursed her way out as she was escorted to be taken to jail, I smiled, I was so relieved I felt tears falling down my cheeks, I hugged Beck and thanked him I turned to see him, he had tears in his eyes but a humongous smile, I pulled him closer and kissed him, I kissed the love of my life, everyone cheered and clapped, my mom brought our daughter to our arms and we both kissed her head and told her we loved her, from now on we were her parents, her only and real parents.

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