09. Explaining

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"What are your dreams?" Levi asked me, laying in my bed, we were exhausted from sex, but not tired enough to sleep, you see... Basically.
Levi and I did it three times, well four, if you count from when he told me the whole round 2 thing, that fucker, he said round 2 not do K.O on me.
"I guess the basic, have a good life, live with my significant other, maybe have kids and a place to call home" I answered his question, we've been talking non-stop but I got to do my homework with Levi's amazing brain, it was kinda weird to try and concentrate after having sex that's when he had already done it three times after doing my homework that's when he wanted a fourth time, but I somehow felt more connected to Levi and got to know each other a bit more.
I learned he hated when people (mostly girls) cry without a reason, I learned he loves tea and that he hates seeing a messy house or mess itself, little things like that; Levi shifted his position to his side so he could face me, doing so made the mattress move and my hips hurt, my lower half is sore, and when I say sore is S-O-R-E, like if it had run a marathon or did excessive exercise, or I don't know, I told Levi I needed a wheelchair, but He said he didn't do me that hard to need one.
"Interesting... So how is your lower half?" He asked picking on me, he knows damn well the answer.
"I hate you" I hit Levi's chest, he chuckled, I notice a barely visible dimple on his right cheek, it was adorable. 
"Of course you do" he rolled his dark blue eyes, that at first, I thought that they were gray but now I knew they were the most beautiful blue I've seen in my life.

Levi smirked, that was something that would completely tick me off, his cockiness at times annoyed the heck out of me and now he was being cocky about my lower half soreness, not taking it no more, I placed my hand under his chin and squeezed his cheeks, I made him do a 'fishy face' and I bit his lips as hard I could, Levi breathed through his nose tolerating the pain, he had his hand in fists then squeezed my shoulders, I bit harder and he pulled me back, but I wasn't gonna let go, the fucker had the decency to shake my hips, I gasped at the shocking pain and let go of his lips, he dared do that to me knowing well I can barely walk.

"Dude! Why the fuck did you do this?" He pointed to his now bruised lips.
"You had that stupid smirk that even though it is sexy at times, it was pissing me off" I hissed at him and checked the clock, who knows what time it is, but it was still dark outside, 4:48 am, of course, it's dark, it is early. 
"I'm taking a bath" I slowly got up from my bed, breathing and gasping because of the pain, I dragged one of my sheets with me, said sheet around my waist, walking to my bedroom door.
"Not like I haven't seen it before, so no need to cover," Levi said it so loud my head snapped towards his laying body, I'd swear I looked like a pregnant woman about to pop out a kid or just born deer or something with me barely walking straight. 
"Fuck you" I stuck my middle finger at him.
"No fuck you... Oh, wait I already did!" He chuckled and I through at him a pillow that was on the floor with great difficulty, my slipper, then to exit my room the fastest my Bambi legs could be a huge challenge, I never thought that something so good as sexual intercourse, could have negative effects such as the ones I have, wait... no I take that back, what I'm going through is similar to when you are eating lots of cake, the cake is so good you keep eating, but you end up throwing up because you ate too much and have a really bad stomach ache, that was a terrible way to describe it but you get the point.

Finally arriving at my bathroom, I prepared my bath, sitting on the edge of the tub I tested the water temperature with my fingers, when it was pleasing to my touch I let the tub fill and slowly got up and decided to check my body.

Holy. Fucking. Purple. Horses.
I had too many signs of sex, I had bruises, bites, and hickies, that's only the front, moving to a position where I could see my back, oh dear, my poor back, it was worst than the front.
"Levi!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, I examined my chest and had a huge bite, my nipples were a purplish color, Levi went overboard, I touched my right nipple and it was really sensitive to my touch.

"What?!" He shouted back, I swear I'm going to kill him.
"You know what! I'm checking all the marks you left on my body!" shouting at the top of my lungs, my face was red, I stomped to the tub biting my lip, I stepped in letting my feet take the feeling of warm water then I cautiously and slowly sunk in, letting the water soak my sore body.

After a quiet relaxing bath, feeling way better now that I can move my body since its warmed, I did some small stretches to loosen my muscles then headed to my room and got changed, Levi surprised me with a breakfast milkshake and some toast he didn't do more since he didn't want to go through the kitchen as he says was that would have been rude, he also cleaned the mess we had made yesterday, I was grateful with him, so gave him plenty of kisses as a reward, then he took a quick shower, had let him borrow some socks and boxers(my mom once bought me boxers that fit me long so I didn't use them and those are the ones Levi would be using) since he had an extra t-shirt and shorts in his sports bag I didn't have to let him roam in my closet, after his shower, I had a boner watching his soaking wet hair drip water, he looked sexy, I would've jumped on him if we didn't have school.

Levi claimed he needed to brush his teeth, so I got him a new one from my mom's bathroom and gave it to him, after we got all our stuff and soon we were headed to school.

"So... Why are you walking all queasy?" Mikasa asked concerned, I'm guessing it was gonna take me a while to get used to sex, I had been walking with great difficulty, I managed to get to my third period, speech, and to my bad luck, there was a track meet I had completely forgotten it was today so since almost every teacher was a coach that meant walking to one of the gyms to watch dumb movies, luckily Mikasa's third period was also meant to be in the gym, that brings me here talking to my best friend sitting by her side.
"Um..." I leaned in, getting closer to her ear, even though we were pretty far from nosy rosy ears, I still was cautious.
"Sex" I whispered and moved away slowly, seeing her shocked face, I swear I'd seen all the color drain in her face.
"My child had sex?" She whispered-yelled in disbelief, I nodded.
"Mama Mikasa, I'm a big boy now" I tried to cheer her up, who am I kidding there was no actual way to, but you can't blame a guy for trying, she slapped my shoulder multiple times, exactly where I had some big bites, I slapped her hands away.
"Mama I'm so gonna call Child protection services" she gasped and rolled her eyes, I could tell she was mad and even a tad disappointed, but soon she gave in, she crossed her arms.
"Who?" she asked, well more demanded, while staring at the movie, not paying attention.
"You know who" I gave her a half-grin, she creepily and slowly move her face to face me, her mouth hung open.

"Nuh-uh" she shook her head violently, she didn't like Levi that much, well... she hated his guts ever since he beat the pulp out of Eren, but to Levi's defense, Eren did pick on him, calling him a fairy, and well Levi took care of it with some good knuckle sandwiches.

"Mama?" I looked at my roleplay mother, Mikasa with puppy eyes, she couldn't resist those.
"Mamma don't tell me I'll have to pass the same fate as Juliet?" I faked a sad dramatic voice, she rolled her eyes.
"Of course not, you'll be Male-punzel, so start on packing your things child I'm going to be locking you up" I gasped.
"You wouldn't" I scooted a bit away from here.
"Try me" she had her scary face on.
"Kasa please" I took her hand and intertwined our fingers.
"I like him, and he said he does too, I know I'm an idiot because I had sex when its too soon for it, but it just happened and I don't regret it, please forgive this sinful son of yours" I whispered, Mikasa, tighten her grip and shook her head, then sighed.
"I just... Don't want you to get hurt, ok? Having sex this early was a dumb move but you were gonna do it anyway" she whispered back, I hugged her and she kissed me on my head.
"I promise ill be ok, remember our promise?" I looked at her with sheepish eyes, our promise, the promise we made to never stop being there for each other even if we don't like what the other does because we decided it was better to be next to each other even if we disagree, we would have each other's backs.
"How dare you question that?" She placed a hand over her chest and gasped, I chuckled and placed my head on Mikasa's shoulder.
"Hey Kasa?" I said trying to get her attention.
"Yeah?" She turned her head to me, I looked up and saw her perfect Japanese doll face, her pure milk-like skin, and her gray eyes, which in between then laid part of her bangs.
"You know I love you right?" I asked her and she smiled.
"I know, I love you too my sinful son" she chuckled, her shoulder gently rose and fell, I turn my attention to the movie, it was quite boring but with Mikasa, it was fine.

Why me? [Levi x male reader] (EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin