13. Everything down hill

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As ironic as it might seem, I woke up the next day to the birds singing, sun rays gently caressing my face, feeling like the whole world was in peace, yet it also felt like it was only me and Levi the only ones who existed, I could tell it was late though, it was around...
I checked my phone, 1:57 pm.
That late! Thank the unicorn llamas it is a Saturday.
"Go back to sleep" Levi groaned his grasp around my body tighten, he probably felt me move and woke him up, I laughed a bit.
"Aww Levi-baby woke up grumpy," I said in a childish tone, he opened one eye and smirked.
"With you, there is no waking up grumpy" a smile crept on my face, I hugged him.
"I love you," I said feeling as if I don't say it enough, I do but I think I don't.
"And I love you more" saying those simple 3 words and hearing them back, meant the world for me like everything wrong just vanished as if me being here laying with him was my only purpose in life, I want more of this, more days, more months, more years, I want an eternity with him, I just love him.
He kissed my forehead, I sighed in content.
"When were 18" he grabbed my hand and in mid-air intertwined our fingers, observing the promise ring on my finger.
"Promise me we will move into somewhere we can call ours" I was surprised, I mean sure id love to but, until it's my birthday it's six months away, and Levi's in about two.
"Id loved to, but you have to wait four months till I'm 18," I remarked.
"Doesn't matter" he bluntly said "I just want to live with you and wake up by your side, and I'm sounding all cheesy" he sighed shaking his head side to side.
"No you're not, you are supposed to be like that, duh" I rolled my eyes and kissed Levi's cheek.
He started to get up, while I just snuggled in the sheets, he stretched his muscles, and my eyes couldn't leave his body, I felt my little me rising.
"Well I'm taking a shower, then you take one, we get ready, and we are going out to have breakfast at lunch" he gave me a quick peck and left to the bathroom.

I decided to get rid of the rising monster, closing my eyes, I started stoking myself, drifting into thoughts of Levi's naked body, his hard cock, the way he fills me, the way he moves, his husky voice, him moaning my name, I was so close to cum when Levi's phone gained life with dozens of texts.

"Levi!" I shouted annoyed by his texts and the fact that I didn't finish.
"What?!" He shouted back.
"Your phone has dozens of messages!"
"Well check them! I barely got in the shower!" I was happy we had that trust in each other enough for us to allow the other free access to their phone but I was shitting myself at the endless texting.

I looked for his phone, not under the pillow, not on his nightstand, not under the bedsheets, not here, not there, it appeared to be nowhere, a ding was heard, I checked under the bed, jackpot! How the hell did it get down there? Anyway, I grabbed his phone and unlocked it, which the password was my name and his is mine.

The contact read.
I started reading the messages.


•I need to talk to you!

•We have a problem.

•I don't know what to do...

•Please answer!

•My parents are gonna kill me!

•You fucking bastard answer!

• you are with him right?!

•You are!

•Well enjoy your last moments
With him!

I furrowed my brows, why is Petra acting like this? She has always been nice to me, I don't understand, I'm so confused, I heard that Levi had gotten out of the shower.
The phone vibrated and dinged. New message.

•Im pregnant.

•I fukin hate you! You ruined my life!

The phone slipped from my shaking hands. Pregnant? What? My legs felt weak, and they soon gave up on me, I placed my hand above my heart, it was beating so fast, tears pricked the corners of my eyes, I couldn't breathe, it was nocked out of me, the world was spinning, how could this happen? When did this happen? Did he cheat?
'It's not cheating if you guys have been together basically 24/7, this has an explanation so calm down' i slowly breathed, but it felt as if I was breathing little pieces of glass, my mouth was dry, I gulped the lump on my throat, I can't believe this.

"Babe the shower is free..." I heard him from afar, he shook me slightly.
"Babe? What's wrong?" His eyes met mine and tears fell, I just pointed to his phone, he grabbed his phone, his eyes skimming through the texts, his eyes widen, he looked at me, then to the phone, then back and forth, he shook his head in denial.

"No, this cant be... I refuse to believe it" Levi's phone rang, doubt flashed his face but soon answered, he looked at my shocking state.

"Hello... Petra how is it even possible?... Are you sure?... How long have you've known?... I can't believe this bullshit... Fuck! I'll go to your house don't fucken do anything stupid!" He smashed his phone against the wall, maybe he broke it, he was mad, I could tell, heaviness filled his bedroom, I can't believe that he will be a father, he would have a baby, and with Petra, tears flowed without mercy, I hiccuped while sobbing, Levi surrounded me with his arms, I buried my face in his chest, sobs and 'shh's' were the only thing filling the room.

"Babe" that name felt sour.
"I swear I didn't cheat on you, I swear, I love you, I would never hurt you, I love you" those words felt true but also felt like lies, I can't understand what is happening, everything... Everything went downhill.

Why me? [Levi x male reader] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now