17. Unexpected

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It's 4:54 am.
I'm tired, I'm sleepy, I don't want to be here...But I have to.
Earlier, around 3:00 am, Levi's phone rang to give us horrible news, Levianne is born, but she's premature, its horrible, my heart hurts at the sight of my broken boyfriend.
Levianne can die.

Levi has been so nervous he has eaten all of his fingernails, to the point he had to go with the doctor to get them checked.

"Levi please calm down" Kuchel begged her son, Levi kept walking back and forth, pulling his hair, rubbing his face; he is hurting, and bad, Levianne was supposed to be born in two more months, we don't know how this happened, and it kills us not knowing nothing, we don't want her to die, she has a life ahead of her, we are so frightened of a doctor telling us he did all he could, she has to be strong and fight for her life.

I didn't notice I was crying until Levi hugged me, I hugged him back, that's when he broke.
"I'm scared" pain and fear were in his voice, it broke my heart, I hugged him tighter, and another set of arms were around us, Kuchel, she lightly sobbed.

"Please don't think negatively" his mother begged.
"But she's premature" Levi whined.
"I know but just have hope" she cried, even though Kuchel didn't like the idea of being a grandmother at first, she had learned to deal with it and even grow a love for her granddaughter.

"Mom I don't want to lose her without even having her" he cried harder, not knowing nothing is killing us, doctors won't come out of the delivery room, and we are waiting in the hall, were waiting for news, anything that will tell us how Levianne is, anything.

Kuchel kept telling Levi everything was going to be ok, while rubbing circles on his back, she is trying to brighten him up, she even joked about Levianne being an Ackerman but it didn't but help much, we knew that we're not sure about what could happen.

Doors opened and our heads snapped towards them.
We saw the doctor with blood, a lot Levi stopped breathing, and my heart was already waiting for the worse.

"Levi Ackerman?" The doctor asked, Levi didn't respond, he was shocked.
"It's him" I pointed to Levi, the doctor got closer and shook Levi, he snapped out of his trance.
"Son I won't lie" all my blood rushed through my veins as my heart started beating like crazy.
"She is weak, low weight, and small, it is going to be a tough road but I believe she will make it, you have a beautiful daughter" tears streamed down his face, there's hope.
"Can I see her?" Levi asked with a very groggy voice, the doctor nodded, took Levi, and led him to what I think was the room they had her.

Kuchel decided we needed food, so we walked to the hospital cafeteria, we had some tuna sandwiches and a soda along with chips, even tho I wasn't hungry she claimed I should have something in my stomach.
So I obeyed and ate.

Sometime after we headed back to the delivery area.
Levi was sitting in a chair, head in his hands, he looked tired, worried, and angry, I sat next to him and I rubbed his back.
"So how is she?" I broke the silence, he made a silent chuckle, and he handed me his phone, there were photos of her and she was beautiful.

Even tho her skin was reddish because she was just born, you could tell she had Levi's skin tone, her hair was black,  just like Levi, she was a mini Levi, that brought a smile to my face, but it broke my heart how small she was she looked like a toy doll, she looked weak, she had tubes inside her mouth and nose to which I'm guessing its because she can't breathe on her own, she even had her eyes taped, if I remember doctors do that so they can always sleep or something like that, I knew Levi was happy but I knew it was killing him also.

"She is beautiful, she's like a mini female Levi" Levi smiled a bit, I handed Levi's phone to Kuchel so she can see her granddaughter.
"How did this happen?" Kuchel asked, Levi, stiffen, I knew something was wrong.
"My daughter has a horrible mother" he spat, I was confused, dumbfounded you can say, why is Petra a horrible mother.
"She thought she could party, and this happened" oh no... I can't believe her! Petra is a horrible mother! She 'partied'? Petra once told me that when she parties, it is all about sex, drugs, and alcohol.
Why would she do this to her baby?! Is she stupid?! Fucken bitch!

Time passed and we decided to leave, knowing Levianne was being in good hands, I knew Levi wouldn't be at ease until he had a word with Petra, I'm so angry at her, she knew what could happen but she decided to do it anyway, how did she have the courage to basically kill her blood, she better hope Levianne lives through this because I don't know what Levi can do.

Levi and I went in search of Petra's room, I had a hold of Levi's hand to keep him calm but it didn't work much.
As he opened the door I felt sick seeing Petra lay in her bed like nothing, like Levianne isn't suffering or like Levi isn't exhausted.

"Wake up" his tone was harsh, rude, but that is what this bitch deserves, she stirred in her bed and calmly rubbed her eyes, and let a yawn out.
"Is it time for my pi..." Her eyes widen when she saw us.
"Levi i-i-i is she ok?" She blurted out, she knows she did wrong.
"Who our premature daughter? The one who can die? The one who is too weak and low weight? Do you mean that daughter? Or what do you mean?"
He sarcastically said Levi could explode any minute now.

"Levi I wasn't expecting this"
"THEN WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT?! DRUGS?! ALCOHOL?! EH! YOU WERE CARRYING OUR CHILD PETRA!" He yelled I yanked him back as soon he invaded her personal space.
"I'M SORRY OK?!" She teared up, fucken lies.
"I'm taking her away from you," he said in a much more calm tone, her eyes widen, she shook her head.
"NO! YOU CAN'T!" She yelled, her heart monitor going crazy.
"I am, I'm taking this to court and you won't see her" we started walking out the door.
"And don't you dare ask for her because I denied that access to you"
"IM HER MOTHER" she spat, wow she had the decency to say that.
"OH, YOU ARE NOW?! HA FUNNY, DIDN'T SEEM LIKE IT LAST NIGHT, OTHERWISE, WE WOULDN'T BE HERE!" He yelled back, she started crying and we left, hurriedly away from her.
"From now on it's you, me, and Levianne" and we left.

Why me? [Levi x male reader] (EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora