01. The start

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After a while my life was involved with Levi Ackerman, I had a humongous crush at first, I

knew I liked him, even if he looked like he would kill someone, looked like he was always pissed off, always seeming as if life hates him, well... I believe life kinda does cause, who heights 5'3 at your junior year of high school, being a male? I'll tell you who.

He was the shortest badass in high school, never judge a book for its cover, I learned that with Levi, I always thought that he was the 'I'm a loner type, I thought he didn't have any friends, girlfriend, or any other type of social communication with another human, I don't know he seemed like he needed a friend, so so lonely, but when I started observing him in a (good way of course), he was a fucken jock/nerd/geek/class clown/ slash slash slash he was an octopus that could manage everything! I'm not joking, but for that, him being himself made me fall into what a lot of people call 'love' funny how four letters can describe such feeling, but that is what I feel.



"Hey dumbass" I sighed heavily making sure he heard it, slowly turning my head, and there he was. Levi; after months of being a bystander we had P.E together last year, and we started to have a sarcastic relationship, from him always laughing at me when I would play sports and me teasing him for his height, I am aware it's a sensitive topic for him but he didn't mind much when I did it... I think, I mean he calls me dumbass, so I know he likes me to some extent, well at least I pretend he does, it just he never gotten attached to someone like he is attached to me and I like it so I play along.

We were at school, well actually school was already over and I was just putting up my school things in my locker and grabbing some other essentials I needed.

"Oh... it is you," I said in a rude/disappointed tone, eyed him up and down for a second, and turned back to my locker, I needed to hurry before the bus left me.

"Nice to see you also" he sarcastically said, I grinned while grabbing my phone charger and putting it in my backpack, of course, he couldn't see my dreamy smile; grabbing everything needed I closed my locker and turned to leave.

"Yeah... well bye" I took a footstep about to start my walk or run better said because I didn't want to sit next to any kids, kindergarten kids especially, some were adorable but some others are just snot producers; aside from that I suddenly felt that Levi yanked my arm, I had only just passed him and my back hit the lockers hard, it was more painful because a pencil in my back just stabbed my rib, what the fuck! for what reason did he do that?!

I gave him a deadly glare as he placed his hands on the sides of my head to avoid me to leave, I groaned in annoyance, he was playing with me, he liked teasing me, but two can play that game.

"Levi I'm gonna miss my bus" Pouting playfully, making puppy eyes then biting my lower lip, he eyed me, looking closely at my actions, raising an eyebrow then he leaned closer.

"I'll take you home don't worry" he whispered in my ear, I could feel the goosebumps on my arms, correction goosebumps on my whole body, but I need to resist.

"No, thank you" I replied while pushing him back or at least I tried, he was a sports star, after all, my weak arms didn't move him at all.

"Levi ever heard the personal space? Well, your invading mine" he rolled his eyes, holding my breath in fear of him noticing that I was getting flustered, I was not hyperventilating but him being so close, me being a gay male, at the age of 17, where hormones are at their peak, fuck and him being so irresistible I... I can't help it.

"Tsk, I don't care, I was meaning to ask you something" I connected my eyebrows in confusion, a question? him to me? What? Why? What the fuck? I push him back needing oxygen before I pass out, I take in a few breaths before crossing my arms and replied.

Why me? [Levi x male reader] (EDITING)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant