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Addilyn's POV
I woke up feeling like crap. Somehow I had gotten sick overnight which sucks. Wilma heard me groaning in pain when she woke up and made me soup, being the dear she is, before leaving for work. I just woke up from my nap that I took after I woke, needing the extra rest.

I was checking my phone, going through the socials when I received a message. From Jack. Of course.

Jack🍜: hey Adds, wyd?
Me: I'm yelling at my immune system for letting me get sick, hbu?
Jack🍜: nothing as exciting as that. do you want me to bring you my mom's world famous soup?

His mom's soup was the best soup ever.  Not only did it taste good, but it had the power to heal within hours. I didn't know Jack knew how to make it.

Me: I would really appreciate that if it's not too much to ask.
Jack🍜: ofc it's not. be over soon

After Jack replied, I felt my eye lids become heavy as I fell asleep for the second time this morning.
"Jack, where are you?" I called out, over the loud music. I was in a hallway with four doors, Jack in one of the rooms. I knew I shouldn't have taken my time as he sped walked up the stairs.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket, notifying me that I received a message.
noodles❤🌎: come find me, babe ;)

"Jack!" I whined in frustration. I opened the first door to my left. My eyes widened as I saw two people making out on the bed in the room. The girl shrieked as I apologized and shut the door.
noodles❤🌎: lmao did u just walk in on people doin the nasty 😂😂
me: not funny Jack! just tell me where u r!!!
noodles❤🌎: I'll give u a hint. to ur right.

Okay, at least that narrowed it down to two rooms. I opened the next door very slowly incase there was more drunk teens between the sheets.

When the door was open far enough and no one had yelled yet, I peeked my head through the door. There was dim lighting coming through from the hall. There was no sign of anyone in here but knowing Jack, he's probably hiding. "Jack, I swear if you scare me, I'm going back down to the party," I said sternly. I opened the door wider and started to walk in slowly. "I hate this, I hate this, I hate this," I whispered to myself as I went further into the room.

"Boo!" Jack yelled as he popped out from behind the corner, causing me to jump and yell.

"Jack! I hate you!" I whine as I hit his chest. He didn't even try to hold back his laughter as he was practically struggling for air. I gave him a death glare and he started to regain his composure. "I'm sorry, but that was too hilarious."

"No it wasn't," I responded with a pout. "I don't like you very much right now." He took a few steps closer and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Oh shush, you love me." I wrapped my arms around his neck and released a dramatic sigh.

"Yeah, you're right." He leaned in to give me a kiss which I gladly returned. He broke the kiss and pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Addy," Jack spoke. I hummed for him to continue. I guess he didn't hear me when he repeated my name, this time dragging out the y. "Addy."

"Yes, Jack?" I asked, not pulling away from the hug.

"Addilyn." Is he deaf? I pulled away and looked at him. "Addilyn." He grasped onto my shoulder and started to shake me gently.

That's when I opened my eyes.
Jack's POV
I kept knocking at the door, but when I didn't get an answer I just assumed Addy had fallen asleep. I bent down a little and grabbed the spare key from underneath a fake plant. Too easy, I thought to myself as I unlocked the door.

Once inside, I placed the bag of ingredients on the countertop and went searching for Addy's room. I could see her asleep in her bed from the hallway with her door hanging open. She looks so peaceful and sass free. I could get use to this. I slowly enter the room and hear her mumbling words in her sleep. "Party... hate this..." I was going to wake her when a familiar name came up. "...Jack..." Was she dreaming of me? I'm very curious about her dream but I also look like a complete freak watching her sleep so I should wake her up.

"Addy," I spoke softly. She didn't wake. "Addy," I repeated, this time stretching her name out. Still nothing. "Addilyn... Addilyn!" I started shaking her gently. She responded and opened her eyes.

She slightly jumped once she saw me. "Oh god, you scared me. Wait! How did you get in?!" She questioned.

"Spare key," I answered with a shrug. "Find a better hiding spot."

Addilyn's POV

Hiding spot. Those words reminded me of the dream I just awoke from. More like the memory that replayed in my head. It feels like forever ago that Jack and I were going to all the parties together and messing around. This party in particular was thrown by Reed and was crowded. Jack wanted to go upstairs to take a breather, which was pointless because we ended up out of breath the rest of the night ;). I remember being happy to get Jack alone that night because a swarm of girls were all over him, but he choose to be alone with me.

That was before he chose his friends over me. One of the last few good memories we have together.

Jack cleared his throat, getting me out of my thoughts. "Anywayyys, You ready to make some soup?!" He asked over enthusiastically.

"What do you mean 'make'?" My eyebrows furrowed together.

"Well, you see, Addy, I have this piece of paper that gives us a step-by-step process that allows us to-"

Before he could continue to play around, I interrupted. "I know how to follow a recipe, Jack. But when you offered soup, I thought you would have it already made and ready to eat."

"Ha!" He scoffed. "I wish but I can't cook. This is a team effort!"

"Ugh," I groaned, "whatever. Let's get this done with." I pulled off my comforter and stood up, allowing the chilly air to hit my legs. I stared at Jack as his eyes met mine and then scanned my body. His cheeks started blushing as he realized what he was doing and looked back at my eyes. I then noticed what I was wearing for pajamas: an oversized shirt and underwear. That's it.

"I should probably change first," I stated the obvious.

"I mean, you don't have to," Jack jokingly suggested.

"Out!" I pointed out my door and he followed in that direction while chuckling.

a/n: finally, a new chapter! I changed things up a bit with the memory, hoped you like that!
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I'll try and update more! no promises though

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