45 Epilogue

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A/N: Here is the final chapter of "Boomerang"!!! Even though it took forever for me to update, I'm so happy that I finished it and others got to enjoy it.

I dedicate this last chapter to my sister Taylor who was my inspiration to finish the book. Hope it makes you proud, Tay! xoxo

Hint: the italics are flashbacks. Happy readings!


The plane starts its landing as Addilyn finishes her dream, recalling the events that happened almost 2 months ago. She was coming back to her home in L.A after working in New York. She gets to come home 2 weeks earlier because of all her hard work and dedication.

New York was supposed to be a mini work vacation for the young adult. But after get a surprise visit from someone, her mind was constantly worried about getting back home to them. All though work was all fun and a new adventure, she would much rather be back home now that she has someone to spend time with.

It wasn't how she expected it to be either. Addy made a promise to herself that she would focus on herself first, making sure she was happy before anything else. But how could she reject the one person who makes her happy. She was packing her bag, even though it should have been packed days ago, when someone knocked at the door.

"Wilma, can you get the door?!" She called out into the apartment. There was no response from Wilma, Addy assuming she was sleeping. "Fine," she spoke to herself, "I'll get it." She paused on her packing actions and went to the front door, not expecting who was on the other side.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please be careful and patient when exiting the plane. Thank you for flying with us," The flight attendant spoke through the speakers of the plane. Addilyn got up from her window seat and waited for her opportunity to get her carry-on from above. Once officially off the plane, she started her journey to baggage claim to get the suitcase she was practically living out of for 2 months. She exited with everything she needed, of course after a quick pee trip, looking for the person picking her up. And there he was, all smiles, ready for her to practically jump into his arms.

"Jonah? What are you doing here?" Addy asked when the tall boy was in front of her door. He wore a small smile. After a moment of just look at her, Jack stepped out from behind him.

"Jack, here, thought you wouldn't answer the door if you knew it was him," Jonah spoke, slightly annoyed that his friend dragged him all the way over here for nothing. Addy playfully rolled her eyes. "Bye, Addy," Jonah waved and walked back down the hall, leaving Jack to stand there awkwardly.

"What do you need Jack?" Addy asked. Jack seemed surprised that she spoke so calmly and even somewhat nice to him. They hadn't spoke since her outburst.

"What is your problem, Addy?" Jack asked. Even though he had said it calmly, it still sounded offensive to Addy.

"Excuse me?" She asked bitterly.

"The things you said at the cafe were right. I am selfish and I know I'm a sucky friend, but you can't yell at me as if I'm the only one who did something wrong," Jack started ranting to her. Addy wore the amount of shock she was feeling on her face. Totally unaware where his anger was coming from, she tried interrupting multiple times but he kept going. "And I'm not talking about the lying to Daniel or anything that happened within the last month, even though you played as much as a role as I did."

"I know, Jack! Can you stop for a second. I know I am as much as responsible as the lying as you are but what I don't know what other wrong things I've done besides that." Jack scoffed and his voice went back to his normal volume.

Boomerang // Jack Avery Where stories live. Discover now