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Addilyn's POV

After Zach's very loud suggestion of a pool party, I made a quick trip home to shower, not washing my hair because I know it's about to get dirty anyway, and grabbing my bathing suit with some clothes to change into.

Just as I finish getting changed into my bathing suit my phone rings. I look down at the caller ID and see Justin's name. I pick up almost immediately.

"Hey boo thang!" He basically yells threw the phone.

"Justin, I love you but that was the gayest thing you have ever said to me." I say holding back a laugh.

He scoffs. "Oh whatever. What are you up to?"

"About to get back to the Daniel's." I could practically see Justin's eyes roll as I said those words.

"Dude, your over there so much now. Do you even remeber what your own apartment looks like?!"

I take a glance around my room. "Yes I do. Same old boring white and grey furniture. A couple soft pastel blankets on my bed, and of course my makeup stuff scatttered all over."

"Doesn't count. You're cheating. What are you guys doing today?"

"We're having a pool party. Well it's not really a party because it's just the boys and me but it's also not a non-pool party."

"Sounds fun. I'll be over in 30 minutes tops."

"Wh- wha-" He hung up before I could reject him. I don't really mind Justin coming over but it's not my house. I hope they're cool with it.

I text Daniel when I'm on my way letting him know that I'll be there soon and that Justin invited himself. Daniel was cool with it.

As I enter the house, Zach and Corbyn run downstairs, say hi, and zoom past to the backyard. Zach dives straight in, Corbyn following behind him. Jonah was sat on the couch in his swimsuit on his phone. Daniel and Jack walked down the stairs in a very calm manner as they talked.

"Welcome back to the house of chaos" Daniel said as he approached me to give me a hug. Jack stood awkwardly at the end of the steps. All three of us walk to the backyard, Jack nudging Jonah on the way out who looked up from his phone and joined us.

I took a seat on one of the beach chairs, Daniel by my side. We watched as Jonah and Jack chased each other around trying to push each other in. I'd say Jonah was winning so far. I cheer Jonah on by yelling out, "C'mon Jonah, get him!!" I think my words encouraged him because Jack was in the water seconds after. The boys and I laughed at the sight of a drenched Jack, his curls looking deformed.

"Of course you would love to see me lose," he said looking straight at me.

"You know it," I say finishing my giggle fest.

Not too long after, Justin arrived rocking his pineapple swim trunks. He strolled over to me as he waved to the boys in the pool. "Why are you not in the water yet?" He demanded to know.

I was laying down, sun bathing with Daniel in the chair next to me, when I lifted my head to look at him and answer. "Isn't it obvious, I'm soaking in the sun."

"Well, you should be soaking in the water. You have five seconds before I throw you in." He gave me a threatening glare.

A small smirk formed across my face. "I'd like to see you try" was the last thing I said before Justin tried pulling me from my seat. Luckily, I was too fat and he was too weak to move me.

"Fine fat ass, if you wanna play rough, we can play rough." He turned around to the boys in the pool and must have given them a special look because in seconds they started getting out of the pool.

I got out of my chair, no longer confident that I could fight them off. I started walking the opposite direction of the pool as Jonah, Jack, Justin, Zach, and Corbyn followed my direction. I put my arms out in defense. "Guys, don't do this."

"Sorry Addy," Justin said, "But they are on my side." I called Daniel's name in hopes he could come to my rescue, which he did. He stood in front of me and said, "Take me first." Corbyn and Jonah worked together to pick Daniel and take him to the pool. At least there's less boys to deal with now.

I knew Justin was just going to stand there and watch. Zach and Jack had cornered me to the side of the house. Zach was up first to try. I put up a good fight, getting out of his grasp and just making a run for it. But once again, the little sixteen year old caught up.

We wrestled for a good minute until Jack actually tried helping. "Zach, she's ticklish! Tickle her thighs!" Zach obeyed Jack and I was on the ground instantly, not able to stop laughing. Zach and Jack both working together to pick me up and throw me into the pool. But of course, if I was going down, I was taking them with me. I held onto them both and all three of us created a giant splash like no other.

I laughed as I came up from the water. It felt so nice and warm but it also cooled me down from the sun's harsh rays. The boys applauded them for defeating me. For the next few minutes we had a splash war.

We all calmed down and were now relaxing and taking part in a conversation. "Now what?" Justin asked.

"Any ideas, Zach?" I looked over at him resting on a raft.

"I came up with the pool idea, now it's someone else's turn" Zach responded.

"Water Volleyball!" Corbyn suggested. We all agreed and Jonah set up the net that divided the pool.

"We have an odd amount though," I pointed out.

"I'll be referee and I'm not going easy on you guys." Justin said.

Because Corbyn suggested the idea, he was a team captain and Zach was the other one. The Extraterrestrial team consisted of Corbyn, Jack, and me. Gucci Watermelon was Zach, Daniel, and Jonah.

During the game I noticed how competitive the boys are, Daniel and Jack arguing over points the whole time. Jack and I budded heads a few times when he would miss the ball or I hit it out of bounds. This time Jack was the one to hit it out of bounds. "Jack!! Come on!!" I yelled in disappointment. "That was an easy hit!"

"I didn't see you going for it!" he shot back.

"Maybe if you weren't such a ball hog, I could've!" He splashed me with water. "Oh, you're getting it now" I said, splashing him with even more water.

"Guys, cut it out!" Justin said trying to get us to stop. But we didn't. We kept going until eventually we were no longer angry but instead, giggling like little kids. "Are you guys done now?" Justin asked, us nodding our heads. We got back to the game and started catching up in points.

Honestly, it felt great. I was in the same space with Jack and I wasn't hating it. I wasn't sure about being friends with him at first, but now I think I can do it. I did miss having him around as a friend but now I'm glad I don't have to anymore.

We were tied and who ever got the next point would win. I served the ball over the net and we engaged in a few volleys. I watched as the ball went over to their side and Daniel hit it back to us. Just as the ball was crossing over the net, a high pitched voice scared all of us. We all turned towards the door and unfortunately the ball hit the water on our side, making a splash.

"Hey boys!" was what the voice called out. There stood two girls, both with long brunette hair and amazing figures. One looked a little bit more reserved and low-key. I analyzed them for a second before it clicked. I think they are the manager's daughters, Aspen and Atallia.

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