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Addilyn's POV

I went wandering the stores of the mall until I came across the perfect. I tried it on and it fit perfectly. It was long and flowy and, well you'll see later.

I was waiting in a long line for check out so I decided to check my phone. No notifications. I opened snapchat and started going through peoples stories. I have this one girl named Rebecca on snapchat that doesn't really like me. We were barely friends but when I started dating Jack she got really jealous. I opened her snap and there was a video. Not just any video, but a video in a dress store with her friends and... Kimberly.

Kimberly ditched me to be with a girl who doesn't like us. How could she?!

I finished paying for the dress and went straight to the car. I just sat there not knowing what to do. I am mad so I could go find her and confront her, but i'm also upset so I could just ignore her. Decisions, decisions.

I ended up just going to Jack's. The second he opened the door I stormed up to his room.

"Woah Addilyn, slow down" he said as he followed me up to his room. I was pacing back and forth in his room when he got there. He sat on his bed very carefully and watched me with his eyes.

Jack's POV

I haven't seen Addilyn angry many times before but when she truly was anyone could get yelled at. I took a seat on my bed as slowly and careful as I could so that she wouldn't attack me.

I've never seen her this angry before. She would grab onto something like my chair or lamp and then let it go when she realized she can't throw it since it's mine. She paced a few more times until I felt too bad. I got up and grabbed an old trophy. "Do you want to break something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I really want to." I gave her my trophy and she examined it closely. "Are you sure I can break this?"

"Oh yeah, that's just for participation in the second grade. I've got plenty more." Addilyn didn't hesitate after that. She swung the trophy against the wall, pieces went flying.

After a few more swings she was done. She sat next to me on the bed and laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. "So are you ready to tell me what's wrong?" I asked sweetly.

"It's about Kimberly." A tiny tear escaped her eye and she wiped it away. "She lied to me so that she could go and hang out with someone that hates me." More tears were coming out but she was trying to hold them back. "We've become so distant recently."

"Hey, it's okay. She probably just need some time away and you guys are still best friends."

"She's had plenty of time away. And you don't ditch your best friend to be with a girl you know she doesn't like. I just don't understand."

"Have you talked to her about it yet?"

"No. I didn't know what to do."

"Just... talk to her."

"Yeah, I will. Just not now, not soon."

And with that we just laid on the bed, holding each other. It really sucks watching her in pain and not being able to fix it. But this is something only she can fix and on her own time.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :))

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