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Addilyn's POV

Aspen has been here for 15 minutes now and no one has introduced me to her yet. Atallia found a spot in the yard and is reading as she tans. I like the vibe I get from her, girly but still really chill. Aspen and Jack have been chilling in one of the corners of the pool since she's been here. She sitting on the edge of the pool, only her feet in the water. They seem awfully chummy which makes me think they are together but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

Technically, we lost volleyball because we missed the ball when Aspen scared us half to death. Corbyn and I argued that it wasn't fair and the others agreed to a redo but Jack decided he was fine with taking the 'L' and quit.

Now I am on the opposite side of the pool from Jack and Aspen with Jonah and Daniel. We are just having a regular conversation. "Did Daniel ever tell you about the first time he landed in L.A?" Jonah asks. Daniel face starts turning a light pink.

"Nope, I don't think he mentioned it." I replied back, an eyebrow arched in curiosity.

"Once we landed, Jack-"

"No, Jonah, please don't." Daniel pleaded, but Jonah kept going.

"Jack pantsed him, and let's just say, his willy popped out." Jonah finished the second half of the sentence in a british accent. I busted out laughing, quite loudly. Daniel face was covered with embarrassment.

"Thanks a lot, Jonah." Daniel says sarcastically.

"Anytime bro." Jonah was still chuckling from his story, while I still couldn't breath. I could just image, poor little Daniel. I finally calmed down and looked over at Jack and Aspen who were staring at me, probably because I was laughing obnoxiously loud.

"Daniel," Aspen calls from across the pool, "how could not introduce me to your girlfriend yet?"

"Oh yeah, oops" is all Daniel is able to reply back with. Daniel starts guiding me to their side for a long awaited introduction. "Aspen, this is my girlfriend, Addilyn. Addilyn, this is Aspen."

"Hi, Addilyn. It's so nice to finally meet you." She had a really enthusiastic voice.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too."

"Oh and that is my sister Atallia over there." She pointed to the girl laying in the grass whose head had shot to our direction at the mention of her name. She raises her arm to wave and smile. I wave back and she resumes reading her book.

The next hour consisted of pool shenanigans and a bunch of play fighting between the boys. Aspen and I didn't really talk but I could feel her glance on me every once and a while. After a while, we decided that we didn't want to completely dry up as prune from the water so we got out. A couple of towels were laid out in the yard for us to sit on. We unintentionally formed a circle, everyone facing each other. The conversation was completely random like most of the time.

Corbyn was sitting diagonally from me and I was asking him about Christina. "So where does Christina live?"

"New York. She's going to FIT" he answered with a proud smile.

"That's so cool. I've been to New York a couple of times when I still lived close to it. It's really nice."

"Oh yeah? Where did you live?" Aspen asked, everyone starting to listen to our conversation.

"I grew up in Pennsylvania. Moved here, like," I pause, doing the mental math, "a year ago."

"Oh, just like Jack. What a coincidence." The way she sounded when she pointed out the the coincidence made me feel uneasy. It's as if she knew that it was no coincidence. She continued, talking about herself now. "I've lived here in Beverly Hills all my life. I'm still not use to the amazing view from my bedroom window." It felt as if she was one upping me.

"That's sweet," I replied, not wanting to continue talking about it.

The rest of the afternoon was mostly about Aspen and her luxurious life. I feel as if she was sending some kind of weird vibe. What ever it was, I didn't like it. It brought my mood down. Eventually, I wasn't even having fun anymore. I just wanted to leave.

I texted Justin who was sitting across from me. I sent him a text in a code only he knew that meant "let's blow this popsicle stand." Justin suddenly stands after looking down at my text. "Well guys," he says abruptly, "it has been fun but I think it's time Addy and I go." I stand up too.

There were a few whines and Daniel even asked if we were sure but I got them to let us go without a fight. After giving Daniel a quick hug, Justin and I sped walked out to the front, Jack and I catching eye contact for a split second.

A few days later

I haven't visited Daniel or the Why Don't We house in a few days since my encounter with Aspen. She was nice, don't get me wrong, but it was that type of nice that felt fake and is used to belittle other people.

But whatever, I'm over it. I've been a little busy with modeling for a couple days but I finally have some days off. I text Daniel to see what he's doing.

Me: hey dani! wyd?

He responds after a few minutes.

Dani💋: sorry, I was a little busy packing

Me: packing? for what?

Dani💋: I thought I told you, I'm going back home for a few days. Its my grandma's birthday and I want to do some family visiting.

Me: nope you never mentioned it. When do you leave?

Dani💋: tomorrow afternoon. Corbyn is also leaving to visit Christina so we both leave tomorrow.

Me: okay I'll stop over tomorrow to say bye

Dani💋: okay, I'd love that😘

The next day

I have arrived at the Why Don't We household. I'm sitting in the living room with Zach as Daniel finishes packing, and Corbyn is hauling his stuff down the stairs.

Finally Daniel has gathered all his essentials and is ready to go. He's a little behind schedule already and is starting to stress. "Daniel, calm down, you'll make your flight," I say pulling him into a hug. His previous tense body is now relaxed and he lets a big sigh, holding me closer.

"Tell your grandma that I said happy birthday and have fun with your family!" I call to him as he and Corbyn get in the Uber. They wave through the window as the car starts rolling away.

"Okay Addy, I chose you first to play against," Zach speaks as I turn around confused. He read my face and went into further detail. "Me versus you in ping pong. Winner plays Jack."

"Oh I don't know, I wasn't planning on staying."

"It would be a waste of gas for you to come over for twenty minutes and then leave. Think about the environment Addy," Jonah said.

"Well when you put it that way." I head to the ping pong table, getting ready to kick Zach's ass and then Jack's after.

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