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Addilyn's POV

I didn't have to worry about a ride this morning because I knew Kimberly would show up. When she did I could see she wanted to talk about Jack but she understood I didn't want to. We arrived at school and did the usual but I decided to go to class early when I got a glance of Jack walking down the hallway.

I tried extra hard to pay attention in my classes so I wouldn't daydream about Jack and it worked pretty well.

My mind had tricked me into thinking my life was perfectly normal and happy. But then it was time for study hall.

I took my seat and got on my phone. I plugged in my headphones and played a song. I took a quick glance up from my screen and there he was walking down the row. I caught myself staring at his curls and then I snapped out of it and looked back down.

Jack's POV

I was walking to my seat when I felt her eyes on me. I didn't want to look up because I know she would just look away. But I couldn't resist anymore. As my head lifted, her eyes wandered somewhere else. I slightly caught eye contact but I don't think she noticed. I took my seat and stared at the back of her head for sometime.

Addilyn's POV

I tried my hardest not to look behind me but I could feel his eyes on me. I turned around and there he was, smirking away. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. A few seconds later, the girl beside me passed me a note. I didn't open it knowing it was from Jack. I let it sit on the corner of my desk and then I heard Jack whisper yell, "Please open it Addy." I rolled my eyes and opened it slowly. It read: I'm so sorry! Please let me make it up to you princess.

I wrote on the open space: 1. Don't call me that! 2. NO, leave me alone

I passed it back to him and his face filled with disappointment. Finally the bell rang and I jetted off to class.

Jack's POV

It is the end of the school day and I need to talk to Addilyn. I have to get down the hallway without being noticed or she'll hurry up and leave. I slowly walk behind this super tall kid. I made it all the way up to her locker but she caught me and started to walk away. Before she could get far I gently grabbed her arm to stop her. "Jack, let me go!" she said.

"No, I need to talk to you."

"What part of 'leave me alone' do you not get?"

"Just listen to me for one minute." She stopped struggling and crossed her arms. "Speak."

"Okay, so I know I messed up and I'm really really really sorry," I pleaded. "But I want to make it right again. I want to fix what I broke and I will never ever EVER break it again." The expression on her face told me she didn't believe me.

"Well do you have a plan on how you're going to fix this, or are you just gonna apologize and want me to forgive you?" she asked.

"Actually I have an idea. I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far." A small smile grew on her face but she tried to get rid of it. "Anyways, I want to take you to meet my little sister, Isla."

"And how many girls have met her?"

"No one. I don't just take random girls to meet my little sister. She's one of the most important things to me"

"I'll think about it." And with that she walked away.

I can't believe she was going to think about it. I didn't even think she would listen to me.

Addilyn's POV

'I'll think about it?'  What was I thinking? I was doing so good at ignoring him all day. But then his amazing curls and his cute smile got me to listen for a few more minutes where he really sucked me in. Then the thought that he was using his little sister to win me over seemed cheap. But then again I would be only one who got to meet her. I had a lot to think about.  


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :))

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