"We met at the bank? You were with my friend's girlfriend, Tahira!" standing next to him Abdulmaleek immediately without thinking tapped his shoulder.

He didn't even look at Abdulmaleek, he was waiting for her to respond, she was quiet for a moment and then it was like she had a premonition"Oh!!! Abdulzahir."

"You remember?" he asked.

"Yes! I do"

"I'm so sorry for disturbing you but since I saw you that day I've been trying to get in touch with you"

"Oh! hope dai lafiya?

"Yes, lafiya amma ba lau ba. See since I saw you that day I've been thinking about you, I feel like you were made for me Zainab. You're so beautiful and calm, I would like to know you better, I'd like to meet you"

"Meet me?" She sounded skeptical

"Yes and maybe get to know you, that day when I saw you, I lost my mind, your eyes so beautiful I could not help but to get lost in them. I have been searching for my soulmate Zainab and I think I can find her in you. if all goes well maybe I'd be lucky to wife a beautiful girl. Honestly I feel like it was love at first sight"

She was quiet, obviously contemplating whether or not to believe him.

He continued "Zainab kin hadu, don't deny me a chance to know you, now that I've met you I cant imagine not knowing you"

"I'm just not.." before she could finish her sentence he cut her off. "Why don't you just think about it, can I call you tomorrow?"

"OK, Sai anjima"

"It was nice meeting you" then the line went dead.
They were all just looking at him as though they were waiting for him to explain the outcome of his phone call. Hadi was the first to ask "The Opening?"

Abdulzahir smiled "The king's gambit" They were used to describing their relationship with people as though it was a game "now she can either accept or decline "

"So the whole 'I'd be lucky to wife a beautiful girl ish, that was you trying to gain an advantage?" Abdulmaleek sounding unimpressed

"Not just trying brother, I do have an advantage, drop the slightest hint of marriage on a girl and even when she can't cook she'll start claiming homemaker" Hadi and Kamal clap and laughed.

Abdulmaleek crossed his legs from where he was sitting "It's not in all cases the the gambit is accepted besides not all girls are love sick puppies"

"Actually that's where you're wrong, the gambit is hardly ever decline and in this case girls like Zainab are pawns in a greater game".

Kamal chipped in trying to understand as all these code conversation always confused him "I thought the pawns go first? "

Abdulmaleek smile as he realized that Kamal was right, and Abdulzahir might have missed an advantage. Abdulmaleek always believe the fastest way to a girl's heart is not by chasing her but by leading her to chase you, it was always easy for him because of his good looks, all he had to do was show small interest. "and yet they've not made a move yet ?!!!!" he said and he raised a questioning eyebrow to Abdulzahir.

Abdulzahir Smirked 😏 "Because if they do they'll die, the game of kings is no place for a pawn" he utters with amusement

Kamal sighed "I still have no clue what you guys are talking about"

Just then Abdulzahir's phone began to ring, it was Fateema. He picked up "Baby girl"

"Hey you, guess who's coming back tomorrow." Her soft voice sounded worried, he could always sense distress in her actions and her voice .

"Babe are you ok?"

She paused as though she was trying to make sure her next words convinced him. "Yes I'm totally fine" she continues "I hired a driver, he'll be coming around 10am to drive me to kd, you'll be home yes?"

He paused for a moment, he was planning on getting married he didn't want to continue camping Fateema at his house, he was actually planning on renovating the house so that it'll be fit for a bride. Not to mention he has to find a way of breaking the news to Fateema. Abdulzahir still had hope in marrying the woman he unconsciously fell deeply inlove with. He was hoping that if she saw he was seriously getting married maybe she'll agree to let him send his people to meet her family instead. "Come now Teemah you know I have to work, Baba sent me here on strict business to maintain one of his client, who happens to be one of kaduna's biggest entrepreneurs, the man is a handful. His business is the only one I'm managing fa amma zo ki ga aiki, so many legal complications, and some of these associates are useless"

She took a deep breath "I asked you one simple question and you're giving me an essay, I'll meet you at work kenan or wait home for you? "

"Errm look Teema you can't meet me at work, cause I'll be busy, and you cant go home either cause the house is undergoing some renovations but maybe you can wait for me at Abdulmaleek's place instead"

Abdulmaleek quickly started to protest "kai! Kai!! meye haka?"

Abdulzahir ignored him and continued "I'll meet you there and if you're staying long we can both just stay there"

Abdulmaleek felt a rush of fury burning through him "What the hell Abdulzahir, for God's sake I Can't have you and your girlfriend camping in my house, I also have a need for my own house mana" when it came to Fateema Abdulmaleek preferred to keep his distance and now Abdulzahir wanted to keep her in his house, he could not have it.

Abdulzahir rushed to the other room, he didn't want Fateema to overhear Abdulmaleek complaining "is that ok?"

It was like she already heard him "Or maybe we could just go to a hotel instead, I'm sure your friend won't like this idea"

Abdulzahir frowned, he never understood why Fateema was too comfortable staying in hotels, not that he minds but there were too many rumours about her being indecent and a runs girl and he didn't want to add to that. "No Fatee haba ke wai ko tsoro baki ji wani a gidan ku ya ganki wata ran?"

She sounded conclusive, he knew she was trying to avoid the conversation that was about to follow. "fine oga, Abdulmaleek's place it is, I missed you fa, like soooo so much"

"That's why you're still staying in Abuja for no good reason ai"

"I'm job hunting Abdulzahir, na dunga zama ba aiki kenan"

"Fine" he didn't want to argue, but he didn't understand her need for a job so desperately, he took care of her needs as best he could and he was more than capable to continue doing that. "But I missed you more, I have to go, we'll talk gobe din... Ina mugun san yarinyan nan"

She flushed "I love you too, bye"

He could tell she was in a better mood than she was when she called him. She was too secretive he could not understand most of her affairs but she treated him like a king and with her he felt like royalty.

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