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Most people know what their star sign is. Mine is Libra, but I fall right on the Virgo/Libra cusp which is the Cusp of Beauty. The other day I read an article about signs and the different ones there actually are. Being bored I looked into the signs some and was surprised to find out how true some of the things it said are for me. That's what I want to go through today. Some sign shit.

First, I want to discuss traits of being a Libra and how true or false they are for me. And then I'll go into cusp of beauty and some of the shit I read about in that article I mentioned.

Sun Sign: Libra

- Easy Going

I've been told I'm pretty easy going. I don't care much about most shit.

- Peaceful (rarely bother to fight for something)

I would disagree with this. If I feel strongly about something, I would fight for it.

- Persuasive

I'm not easily persuaded. But my boyfriend tells me I can persuade people into doing shit pretty easily.

- Sociable

Nope. I would rather not talk to anyone and could go days without talking.

- Diplomatic

Maybe. I can be willing to compromise on some things.

- Idealistic

Yep. I'm a fucking perfectionist.

- Elegant

I would disagree. I dress like I'm homeless. Don't brush my hair half the time. Will trip over air.

- Extrovert

Exact opposite. I would be more than content to have no one talk to me or be near me. Social interactions exhaust me.

- Self-confident

Haha. Nope.

- Optimistic

I would say I'm more realist.

- Friendly

I can be. Most of the time I'm just seen as a bitch because of my hardcore resting bitch face.


Nope. I like to stick with what I know and am comfortable with.

- Quick-witted

I can be.

- Clever

I can be.


I would beg to differ.

- Exciting

I would beg to differ. I literally sit there and read, watch TV, and write.

- Charismatic


- Objective

I can be/tend to

- Independent

I've been independent for a while. Like I've been cooking and doing my own laundry since I was 8.

- Ambitious

I know what I want so I go for it.

- Self-motivated

Very true.

- Natural leaders

I suppose so.

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