Being the Nerd

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Now the reason behind this part is because of something that happened to me at school yesterday, and it reminded me of other times similar things have also happened to me. I'm just come right out and say it. My message behind this all is that is completely okay to be a nerd. 

In my class, and by class I mean as in the people I'm graduating with as in I'm in the class of 2017, I'm the class nerd. In quite a few ways, I'm that stereotypical nerd.

 I actually love learning and school, just not the people there really. I love math, science, history, English, pretty much any subject other people dislike/hate. 

I love science fiction and fantasy novels. 

I'm in pretty much any band related activity in my school: concert band, marching band, pep band, country band, jazz band, etc. 

I'm on the A honor roll every grading period. My GPA is 3.9 out of 4.0. 

I'm socially awkward, if anyone can't tell from talking to me on here. I'm actually quite physically awkward too. 

I have those bigger 'nerdy' glasses. 

I love higher waist pants because then I feel the constant need to keep pulling my pants up. 

People like to tell me I have OCD, which the last time I checked they aren't a doctor and can't actually diagnose me. Besides I don't think I have OCD. I just like things organized in specific ways. 

I collected state quarters. You know, because every state has a different picture on a quarter. Even the territories have their own quarters. I have a board with the quarters in them and they're all labeled. 

I don't go to parties, which is weird to my classmates who spend all weekend and most school nights at parties.

I don't drink, very weird in my county where teens drinking is common and nobody stops them from doing it. My classmates quite often come to school hungover. 

But even with all this, I've learned to not let it bother me if people want to call me a nerd. It doesn't really affect me if they call me a nerd. You know why? Because they come to me when they can't figure shit out. 

This is where I'm going to get into the thing that happened to me yesterday. 

So yesterday, my sign language monitor, because we Skype the teacher on Tuesdays as she actually teaches in Columbus, was out at this lunch with the other secretary from the office. When stuff like this happens, the sign language class just goes and sits in the conference room behind the front desk. There's only six of us, so they're already not many of us. But we were sitting back there Friday and these five girls won't stop talking, we're really allowed to do whatever we want as long as our work gets down on time. I'm trying to read my book and these girls won't shut up. So I just asked if I could go to the library. 

Now my school's library has gotten really nice this year because they took out the computer lab down there and replaced all the computers in there with couches and arm chairs. The reason they did this is because our high school students all get iPads to work off, so we don't need the computers. Besides, if we would need computers, the school bought Chromebooks for our teachers to check out for the class period. The only people that really use computers anymore are the junior high/middle school, whatever you call them we call them junior high at my school, and they have the lab upstairs where all their classrooms are still. So we actually have a really comfortable library. Back to the story. 

I went down to the library, and I was sitting on one of the couches in the way back corner of library, like you couldn't see me over all the shelves and bookcases. Yet somehow they still found me. It was 8th period and I know there's an 8th period chemistry class because Claire is in it. 

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