It's Hard

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Honestly, this isn't a question tag or any kind of advice. It's a rant. It's a rant about how fucking fed up I am. This probably won't be long, but it's something I just need to get off my chest. 

I'm fed with my roommate. She's fucking up my health. My mental health and my physical health. She's stressing me out so it's fucking with my heart more than my heart is already messed up. 

My sleep schedule is fucked because she keeps people in the room until 2 and 3 am almost every night. She keeps the lights on almost all night. 

I'm never left alone. I want to be left the fuck alone for 24 hours fucking hours. I can't get that. 

I'm depressed. I've been depressed for fucking years. It's gotten worse since coming to college. Not because I hate being here. I hate my fucking roommate and I hate not being left alone. 

Everything is hitting me hard right now. My mental health is the worst it's been in years. My physical health is complicated right now and causing me physical pain. 

I just have to keep telling myself to make it through the semester, but I literally don't want to be near anyone right now. 

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