A Game of 200 Questions

40 1 0

200: My crush's name is:

Don't have one

199: I was born in:


198: I am really:


197: My cellphone company is:

Service provider: Verizon

Brand of phone: Apple

196: My eye color is:

Green or blue-green or green-hazel or some variation of green

195: My shoe size is:


194: My ring size is:

No fucking clue

193: My height is:

5'2" - 5'3"

192: I am allergic to:

Penicillin, guanfacine

191: My 1st car was:

2004 Hyundai Sonata

190: My 1st job was:


189: Last book you read:

At the moment of typing this the last book I finished reading was The Last Olympian

188: My bed is:

At college: extra long twin

At home: twin

187: My pet:

Don't really have one. My step-grandma has a dog though and she lives next door.

186: My best friend:

I have a few

185: My favorite shampoo is:

Don't have one. I use what my mom buys and it's usually Suave

184: Xbox or ps3:


183: Piggy banks are:

Overrated. I use a mason jar.

182: In my pockets:

Nothing because I'm wearing leggings

181: On my calendar:

I have a bunch of school shit like assignments and exams

180: Marriage is:

Not necessary. Not saying you shouldn't get married, but you don't have to to be with someone

179: SpongeBob can:

Work at the Krusty Krab

178: My mom:

Is one of my best friends

177: The last three songs I bought were?

I don't buy music. I use Spotify

176: Last YouTube video watched:

Fuck if I know.

175: How many cousins do you have?

Over 20

174: Do you have any siblings?


173: Are your parents divorced?

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