Chapter 51

75 7 7

9 months later

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the priest smiles.

I smile too and I can't help but tear up a bit.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks as he notices me crying.

I look up at him and smile. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just so proud and happy for Niall and Sara,"

He smiles back a smile of relief, "Yeah. I am too,"

We both look back at them as they pull away, and cheers and claps are heared from all over the church.

"Woohoo!!" Sara shouts as she walks down the aisle with Niall as confetti is thrown from above our heads.

"Congrats!" I mouth with a smile as she passes me. She grins in return.

After awhile, it was time for another wedding tradition. You know, where the bride throws her bouquet in the air and everything.

All the "non-married" girls gather behind Sara as she faces the other way.

She counts down to three, and throws the bouquet in the air.

All of the girls were screaming and scrambling for the bouquet, and I am taken clearly by surprise as it lands on my palms.

"Gen got it!" Sara squeals.

I stare wide-eyed at it, and realisation finally hits me. "I got it!!" I scream as I jump up and down.

Everyone cheers and laughs along with me, and I see Harry smiling at me.











Few days later

Harry's POV



"Harry, get up."

I groan, and roll over.

"Harry, I'm going out,"

My eyes open and I see Gen all dressed up.

"Going out? You? Where?" I ask groggily.

She smiles, "Didn't I tell you last night? I'm going out with Lance today."

Oh. Lance.

"What? Why?" I almost frown.

She giggles. "Duh, Harry. It's our 7th monthsary!"


I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

"Okay, bye." I say and I cover myself with the sheets.

"Okayyy, bye. You take care," she says and I hear my bedroom door shut.

After a few more seconds, I finally hear the front door close too.

I sigh loudly as I sit up.

Lance again, it's always Lance. It's either "Lance is coming over" "I'm going out with Lance" or "I'm going over at Lance's"

And yes, I am quite jealous.

Well, not just quite. Very.

When I re-gained my memory, everything was supposed to be back to normal. And by normal, I mean, me and Gen back together, happy family with Liz and everything.

Dude, that should be me! (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now