Chapter 47

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As I stepped inside my room, I slammed the door and sat on my bed.

Guess what I did?


I mean, who wouldn't, right?

Everything was going so well. I mean, about to go well. I cried harder as my sobs grew louder as I thought about these again.

Until I heard my door open gently, and in came Liz.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" she asked as she walked over to me. I quickly wipe my tears and face her.

I tried my best to smile. "Nothing's wrong, sweetie."

She frowned. "Don't try to lie to me, mommy."

Wow. My kid is smart.

I sighed and breathed in sharply.

"It's no biggie. It's just that.. your, um, dad.. might not remember you ever again." I said as I looked away

I heared her gasp. "Really? Why?"

"Well, it's because he got into an accident, and when he woke up in the hospital, he didn't remember anything."

It's amazing how I'm breaking this news to he as if it were nothing.

"Accident? What kind of accident?"

I answered her, and she ended up asking me all of these questions. Like, why I didn't say yes to Brian, and why I forgot her in the church and blah blah.

I fucking forgot her in the church.


It's a good thing one of my aunts were there, though..

After I explained everything to her, she gave me a big hug and said, "Everything will be okay in the end, mommy. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."

My kid just quoted from Ed Sheeran! OMGGGG. Ok.

I gave her a big smile after she said that. She patted me on the head and headed out of the room.


I sighed as I looked under my bed and got out my diary. You may be wondering how it's still here, and how it still has pages and blah blah blah..

Well, I just sticked in another notebook in it. Yep. I just didn't want separate diaries, yuh know? Haha.

I sprawled out on my bed and began to flip through the pages. At the first blank page I saw, I wrote.


Dear Diary,

Hi. So, I'm not really in the mood right now, but I decided to write anyway, lol.

Harry's such a dense motherfucker! AAUUUGHHH.

But I can't really blame him, though.

And guess what? Fuck Sandra. The liar. Ugh. She actually got Harry believing that she was the good guy and we were the bad ones.

The nerve!

And Liz is being such a great help right now. <33 I didn't expect her to react so calmly, though. I mean, her dad has fucking amnesia!

But, whatever.

Ok.. I'm kinda done with my rant.

Byeee. :)


I closed my diary and hid it under my bed.

Then I lied down for awhile and started thinking.

What proof exactly am I going to get for Harry? I closed my eyes for a while, and it was as if a light bulb 'dinged' over my head.

I sat up, and got my diary from under my bed again.

I could show this to him, make him read it, and it would like, make all the memories flow back in his head again!

Ugh, Gen. You are such a genius, I love you.

He still comes back after 3 days, so.. I'll just have to wait.

-3 days later-

I woke up, because I felt someone jumping on the bed.

"Mommy, wake up! Daddy just arrived!" Liz shouts

My eyes immediately shoot open, and I sit up. Liz runs outside, and I go after her.

As we arrive downstairs, I see Harry and Sandra at the doorway. Sandra, holding on to his arms as Harry has this scowl on his face as he stares at me.

"You." he simply says.

"Who'd you expect? I live here, too for fuck's sake." I spat

"Just shut up, Gen." Sandra hisses

"Alrighty then." I say as I cross my arms over my chest.

I then watch as Harry stares at Liz.

"She looks like me." he simply states.

"Yup." I say, popping the 'p'

"Why does she look like me?" he says as he crouches down to Liz's height. Liz just smiles, showing off her dimples.

"Because I'm your daughter!" she giggles.

He had this perplexed look on his face, and I didn't know how to react. But of course, Sandra was standing right there.

"Ahahaha." she laughs nervously, "No, she's not your, um.. daughter. She's your niece. Yeah, your niece."

"But, she's like my mini girl version." he says, which makes me laugh.

Sandra then again says that she's just her niece and blah blah blah.

I snarled. "Yeah, whatever, Sandra. Stop stuttering, it almost seems like you're finding your words."

I told them to just settle in and do whatever they want, and then I head up with Liz.



"UGH! YOU SHUT UP!" she shouts back

"GEN! SHUT UP! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THOSE WORDS TO HER!" Harry then suddenly shouts.

Ugh. There he goes again, acting all "knight in shining armor"

If you were wondering why we were having a scream-fest again, well, it's because, we argued again about all of Harry's memories, and Sandra mixed it up again, and I freaked, and there.


I went in my room, grabbed my diary and threw it to Harry's face.

"Go on. Read it. And then let's see if you'll still have the fucking guts to tell me those words. Oh, and same goes to you Sandra, my dear. Have you been hit with amnesia as well?" I snarl, and storm out of their room, and slam the door.



Sorry if this was short. :(

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