Chapter 49

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-2 days later-

Harry and Sandra are out with Alexis, but I really couldn't care less as to where they are. Liz is downstairs, watching some TV. And I settle on trying to find my diary.

I start looking, of course in their room. I look under the bed. Nope. I look in the drawers, none also. But, I notice the drawer at the bottom is locked. So, I try to find the key.

After a few dust bunnies here and there, I finally find the key under their mat.

Wow, what a nice hiding place.

I quickly head over to the drawer and slide the key in the hole, and turn it. It unlocks, and I open the drawer. And sure enough, my disry is right there. Below a pile of paper.

My eyes gleam and I quickly get it, and I lock the drawer again and put the key back under the mat so it won't be obvious.

While I was in their room, I decided to just snoop about.

I open their cabinet, and there right in the bottom, covered with a few of Sandra's clothes, is the scrapbook I gave Harry during his birthday.

Man, Sandra is really good at hiding stuff.

Please, note my sarcasm.

I close the cabinet, and sit down on their bed.

I flip through the pages, and see nothing has changed with it. I'm quite surprised that Sandra didn't even think of just ripping the pages up and throwing them, along with my diary.

But then again, it's Sandra.

I laugh at my inside joke, and head in my room.

I just have to think of a way to give it to Harry, without Sandra knowing.


It's about 9 PM when they get home, and they have food with them. We sit on the table and eat.

"Harry babe, tomorrow morning I will be meeting up with someone, okay?" Sandra says

"With who?" Harry asks.

"Just a friend,"

I smirk. "Just a friend," I mock quietly.

"Girl or a boy?" Harry asks again.

"Uhm, she's a girl," the fact that she is lying is evident in her voice.

Harry nods.

"Will you be okay here by yourself?"

"Of course I will. I'm not a five year old. Are you bringing Alexis along?"

"Uh.. yeah."


We continue to eat in silence.

A thousand thoughts are running in my head. I can give Harry the scrapbook and my diary to him tomorrow, as soon as Sandra leaves.

Harry volunteers to wash the dishes this time, and I let him.

Me and Liz go upstairs, and I think of how I would give it to him tomorrow.

But sleep over takes me, and I fell into a deep sleep.


I go downstairs with Liz, and I prepare our breakfast.

I caught sight of Harry watching TV and he looks at me. "Good morning," he says.

"Morning," I answer. "Sandra out already?"

"Yeah. Just a few moments before you woke up,"

Me and Liz eat, and I grow more nervous by the minute.

It was much easier before, giving him my diary since I was angry.

Liz finishes before me, and she settles on going to the play room.

I am so distracted right now. Ugh.

I hear the TV turn off, and Harry aproaches me.

"Hey, Gen. Can we talk?" he asks.

My heart leaps from my chest and I say, "Sure. What about?"

I put my bowl and Liz's in the sink.

"About the.. um, notebook you gave me a few days ago,"

"Okay.. what about it?"

"Well, Sandra didn't want me reading it. And I was wondering if you knew where it is?" he scratches the back of his neck.

"Sure I do," I smile.

His eyes glint with happiness. "Really? Where is it?"

"Hold on,"

I head upstairs to my room, and grab the diary along with the scrapbook.

I go back downstairs and say, "Uh.. I brought along the scrapbook. You could look through the pictures,"

He grins widely at me. "Okay. Thanks alot Gen,"

"Sure." I smile back.

He goes back to the couch, and begins with the scrapbook.

I decide to go back to our room, because I am too nervous right now.

I sit on out bed and stare at the wall.

What am I supposed to do augh.

I am so nervous about how Harry would react, I can't even think or function properly.

I finally settle on just reading a book.

-A few hours later-

Harry still hasn't told me anything. And I am still up here in our room.

I am so sweaty right now, I decide to change. Liz tells me she has to go to the bathroom.

When I finish, I was about to open the door and go downstairs to see how Harry's doing.

Next thing I know, the door bursts open and I come face to face with a wide-eyed and panting Harry.

"I remember everything now,"



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