Chapter 14

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=Gen's POV=

*Weeks later*

Today's the last day.

The last day before the lads leave.

Right now we're all just lounging in Harry's living room eating popcorn and staring at the blank tv.

Then suddenly Niall piped up "You know what? I can't have us like this on our last day."

There was a chorus of "Yeah!"

Then Louis said " Why don't we go to the bar then?"

We all said YES.

It was a plan.

Before 6pm they all left to get ready.

I wore a simple black dress and some red heels.

Harry just wore a shirt and some jeans and converse.

I fix my hair and wear some makeup.

Then we went in his car to the bar.

*In the Bar*

We were all just drinking and talking.

When suddenly I got a wee bit drunk.

Then I didn't remember what happened next.

*Next Morning*

I woke up with a banging headache.

I look beside me and see Harry isn't there anymore.

He left for the tour already.


I stand up and winced in pain as I felt pain right between my knees.

I look down and see - I'm.....naked?

Suddenly the memories from last night came splashing in my mind like a tidal wave.


"Woohoo!" I shout as I chug down my 20th shot of Vodka.

You see, the guys challenged me and Harry to have a contest to see who drinks the maniest shots in 2 minutes.

"Stop!" El yelled.

Me and Harry stops at once and Eleanor counts our empty glasses.

"It's a ...tie! Another round!" she exclaims.

She refills our glasses and we continue to drink.

"Stop!" she yells once more.

Me and Harry stopped and I won.

By half.

I won by half a cup!

I jumped as my friends cheered on me.

Then I began do feel a little bit tipsy.

The room began to become a blur.

Their faces were all swirled up.

I laughed the hardest at Liam's.

I look over at Harry and see he is laughing too.

I look again at Liam and then laugh hysterically again.

"I think I need to send you two home." he said in a blurry voice.

"What?" I say.

The next thing I know, I'm in Liam's backseat along with Harry.

We finally made it home and I get the keys from my purse.

I try to put it in the slot thingy but my hands are shaking.

"No! You're doing it wrong. It's supposed to be put in this little circle over here." Harry says

"Ohh." I say when I notice he's referring to the peep hole.

I try to put it in and me and Harry grow more and more frustrated as it won't really fit.

My eyes fix on the shining gold circle attached to the door.

I get it and twist slightly then it pops open.

Me and Harry jump for joy.

I trip on Harry's foot and he falls with me.

We both giggle and smash our lips together.

He bit my bottom lip and I opened my mouth.

He began to explore my mouth with his tongue - again.

The kiss started to get heated and we head upstairs not breaking the kiss.

He pushes me roughly on the bed.

We work on undressing each other.

Now we are both fully naked.

He kissed me once more and leaves wet kisses on my neck and on my breasts.

Then the little bastard shove his tongue in my entrance!

I moan in both pain and pleasure.

He continues to do what he's doing and I tug at his curls.

Moaning and moaning.

Then out of nowhere he puts his member in my entrance.

My eyes screw shut as the feeling of pain and pleasure both dig in me.

He thrusts slowly and I can't help but wince as I feel the pain.

"Shh, it's okay baby." He soothed me abit with his words.

Our breathing gets heavier as his thrusts speeds up.

"SHIT!" I yell as he pulls himself out from me.

He leans forward so our foreheads are pressed together.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too." I pant.

He rolls over so that he is lying down next to me, and I can see both our chests rising and falling.

*End of Flashback*

My eyes are wide as I remember.

The same question repeats itself over and over again in my brain:

He used protection, didn't he?



Sorry if the dirty part there didn't work for you, I'm not really good with those parts yet lol.

Comment and vote please.


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