Chapter 28

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-2 days later-


It's ALWAYS like this everyday. But, Lou and El always think of something fun to do. But now, they're too beat up to even talk.

"I'm so bored." El managed to croak

"You, my good friend, are not alooone." I say

"Ugh." Sara groaned as she tossed a pillow to me

"I'm gonna get a bottle of juice." I say, "Anybody want one?"

They all shook their head lazily.

I got up and dragged myself to the fridge. I took out a bottle of Minute Maid and began to drink. Ahhhh, cold.

It's late January right now and it's soo hot.

As I finished the bottle, it slipped out of my hand and fell on the floor.

I was so lazy to pick it up that, I tipped over as I crouched down.

Then all of a sudden, El shot up from her seat and ran over to me. I thought she was going to help me, but she went straight for the bottle.

"Truth or Dare!" she exclaimed

"What?" I say tiredly as I prop myself up with an elbow

"We'll play Truth or Dare!!" she shriked

"Truth or Dare?" I ask

"Yes! You know! Like, last time!" she gushed, "But now, we have Sara, Sandra and the kids!"

"Yeah. I'm not sure if we can join the kids." I say as I stand up straight, "Your dares and truths are kinda extreme. We'll just let them watch."

She nodded happliy and we made our way back to the living room.


I was seated between Harry and Sandra. Again.

"Okay, I'll spin it first." El announced, she spun it and it landed on Sandra

"Sandra, truth or dare?" El asked with a brow raised

"Mmm....truth." Sandra answered

"Okay, do you like Gen?" El asked"

"Umm.....Honestly, no, I really don't." she answered

"OMG! What a coincidence! I don't like you at all too sweetheart!" I exclaim

I heared a few giggles, but Harry was not amused.

She rolled her eyes then spun the bottle.

It landed on Zayn.


"Okay, I dare you to not comb or touach your hair, for the whole week!" the grin on her face was so big, it was sickening

"What?!" Zayn exclaimed

"No backing out!" El pointed out

He rolled his eyes, "Fine." then he spun the bottle

It landed between Niall and Sara.

"Dare." they said together

"Okay, I dare you both to go on a STRICT diet for the whole week." Zayn smirked

"WHAT?!' They both exclaimed

"I knew it! I knew we shouldn't have chose dare!" NIall shouted as he covered his face with his hands

"Just do it." El stated

Niall glared at El and he and Sara spun the bottle together.

It landed on El.

Dude, that should be me! (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now