Chapter 45

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=Gen's Pov=

(This happened when Harry and Sandra were still getting ready.)

"Brian, do you take Genevieve as you lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" the Priest asks

"I do," Brian says with a grin spread across his face.

"Genevieve, do you take Brian as you lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" the Priest turns to me

"Uhm.. I-i.." I stutter as I look around the church

Brian's expression changes. "Gen?" he whispers

I look at Sara, and see her eyes wide.

I'm so sorry Brian.

"I don't." I say and let go of his hand.

"I'm sorry, Brian. I.." I say as tears pool in my eyes. "I still love Harry."

As soon as those words left my mouth, people around me start screaming and cheering.

"I knew it! Woooohoooo!" Brian shouts.

"W-what?" I ask, obviously confused.

"I'll explain later, right now, we have to go find Harry," Sara says as she grabs hold of my arm and drags me in her car.


"So.. all this was a plan for me to realize that I love Harry?" I ask

"Yup. Smart, isn't it?" Sara smiled

"But what if I really loved Brian and I said I do?"

"But you didn't," Niall said

Oh yeah.


Ok then.

I really don't know what to feel right now.

"YOU STILL LOVE HARRY!" El screams in my ear.

"WE KNEW IT! WE KNEW IT! WE KNEW IT!" Lou and El chant together.

A smile spreads across my face.

I still love Harry!

We were all cheering as Liam drove, but then Zayn said, "Uhmm.. guys. You all might wanna shut up for a while."

We all kept quiet as he stared at his phone.

"Harry just got into a car accident."

We all kept quiet for a millisecond, until Louis shouted, "WHAT?! HARRY'S DEAD?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Lou! Calm down! This text says he's in the hospital. The person who saw him texted the first person in his contacts, and it was me." Zayn said


"Louis! It's not time for that now!" Liam scolded, he turned to Zayn. "Which hospital?"

Zayn told him the name, and Liam drove as fast as he could.

All throughout the trip, I stayed quiet.

Harry got into a car accident.



When went to the counter, and immediately asked for Harry's room number. There were alot of fans asking for pictures from the boys, but Liam said, "Girls, we'll get back to you later, ok?"

And we quickly ran to the elevator, and made sure no fan squeezed in with us.

Harry's room was at the top most floor, which was quite smart.

His doctor just got out of the room when we got there and he said, "He hasn't woken up yet, but you all could just go inside and wait. He's doing quite good. No injury as well."

We thank him, and get inside Harry's room.


We've been here for days now. Niall picked up some of our clothes last week, and we decided to just stay here until Harry wakes up.

Yeah. He still hasn't woken up.

We have gotten very worried at this point, but the doctor said he was doing fine.

"Well, if he's "FINE" then why hasn't he woken up yet?!" Louis screeched as the doctor said that, with a hand on his hip.

The doctor kept quiet.

And then we hear Harry moan.



"Harry woke up because of my voice!" Louis said, obviously feeling achieved, El slapped his arm.

We all stared at Harry and waited for him to open his eyes.

And so he did.

His eyes widened, and I expected him to smile.

But he didn't. Instead, he said words that shattered my heart into pieces.

"Who are you people?"




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