Chapter 36

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We get in the suite my boss assigned to me. And man, it is HUGE.

Liz immedietly started to shriek and run around the big room.

I grinned and set our bags aside. I made my way to the phone and oredered a bunch of fooooood.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Room service!" A male voice shouted

"Coming!" I shout back as I swing the door open.

He put the food on the huge table in the huge kitchen and left.

"Liz!! Dinner's ready!" I chuckle

We immedietly begin to munch on all the French food.

This. Is. The. Life.


"Ahhh..." I say as I pat my belly

I am so full.

I gather up the plates and put them in the sink.

Then, me and Liz settle on unpacking.

I put my laptop on my bed and turn it on just incase. I put our clothes in the closets and everything else.

"Woah, am I tired." I say

Liz nods in agreement.

Liz takes a shower and so do I. After that, I tie my hair into a messy bun, I dress into a baggy sweater and some sweats.

Then, me and Liz plop on the bed.

As if on cue, my laptop started to beep and flash, signaling that I'm recieving a Skpe call from Sara.

I quickly press the accept button.

''Hey Sar- Harry?" I ask in confusion

"Hi, Gen." he waves

"Uhm... Where's Sara?" I ask

He shrugs.

I roll my eyes.

Then, Liz comes trolling beside me.

"Daddy!" she shouts

I jump. I'm still not used to her calling Harry, daddy.

Harry looks abit taken aback too. But, he just smiles and says, "Hey, Princess."

I roll my eyes and fiddle with my fingers.

"Can I please talk to Sara now?" I ask

"She's actually out with Niall." he answers

"Then why'd you call using her account?!"

"Cause, I knew you wouldn't answer if you saw MY username on the screen. Duh, Gen." he smirks and Liz giggles

"I made her laugh!" he exclaims as he points at Liz

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." I mutter under my breath

"Anyway, why'd you call?" I ask

"I just wanted to see if you two made it safe." he answers simply

"Well... Yeah, we did. As you can see." I say as I bring Liz upfront on the camera

"Yeah, I do see." he says as he furrows his brows

"Where's Sandra?" I ask

"I dunno, she says she's jusy going out, somewhere." he says with a bit of doubt in his voice

I raise my brow, "Where?" I ask

"I really don't know." he answers as he tilts his head

I shrug.


After a half an hour of Skyping with Harry, it was time to say goodbye.

Then, the cutest thing happened, it actually made me kinda teary.

Liz put her cute, little hand on the screen. And, Harry put his big hand on hers too.

"I love you, daddy." she grins


Harry looked at me with wide eyes, "SHE LOVES ME!!" he exclaims

I roll my eyes.

"I love you, too Princess." he grins

They both take their hands off of the screens. Harry waves good bye to me and I wave back, then I end the call.

I look at Liz and she grinned widely at me.

I set aside the laptop, tucked Liz in and fell asleep beside her.



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