Chapter 1

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(Quick note: I'm sorry if there are a huge amount of typos, I'll be editing soon lol. And just so you know, this book is really carroty because it was written like a year ago lol, so if you don't like carrots and carroty fics I suggest you stop reading. That's all, byeee.)

=Gen's POV=

I'm as bored as hell right now! I've been doing nothing all day but lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling like it's the most interesting thing in the world!

Well, I'm an only child and my parents are in some part of America for "Business Matters" I couldn't care less since I've been on thin ice with them since I was 12. I'ts no big deal really. They're just really protective.


I heared a knock on the front door, I opened it and saw my bestfriend, Harry Styles standing there.

"Hey Haz!" I cheered.

" Hey, can I hang out here for a while?"

"Yeah sure." I let him in and closed the door behind me.

"So what were you up to?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm as bored as you are, but we can go make some cookies."

He agreed then we went to the kitchen. We made the batter and put it in the oven. We set the timer to 15 minutes and watched TV while we waited.

Well, either the TV volume was way too loud or the DING on the oven doesn't work. Cause the next thing we know, we hear a bell and water wetting us from up the ceiling.

"Shit Harry!" I swear aswer made our way to the kitchen.

Black smoke was coming out of the small opening of the oven. I grabbed the handle and I realized I wasn't wearing any oven mitts.

"Fuck!" I swear again.

Harry got the mitts and opened it himself. Black smoke covered the wholed kitchen. Me and Harry started to cough like there was no tomorrow. I went to tthe front door to open it and clear the smoke.

The second I open it, I kinda wish I hadn't , there they were. Two people who I don' wanna see in this mess.

"Hey mom! Hey dad! How was Thailand?!" I said all cheery.

"What the hell happened?!" My dad shouted.

Well, to make the looong story short, me and Harry both got a REAL earful from my parents.

*End of Flashback*

I'm now jumping on my bed thinking of stuff to do until I heared the doorbell. I ran downstairs and opened the front door.

'Oh my God!!! Harry!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout as I tackle him into a bear hug. I havn;t seen him in 4 months!

"Woah. Easy there Tiger" He joked.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask as I release him.

'We're going somewhere! Go dress up!!"

He went inside and I ran to my room. I locked the door and brought out my denim shorts and a tanktop that says "Make PEACE not WAR."

I slipped them on and went over to my shoe cabinet and brought out my gold gladiator sandals. I wore them and got my phone from my desk drawer and shoved it in my back pocket.

I tiptoed down the stairs and shouted in Harry's ear. "OKAY! I'M READY! WHERE WE GOIN'?"

He jumped up from the couch and screamed like a girl. I laughed hysterically.

=Harry's POV=

I watch as my bestfriend falls to the ground clutching her stomach and laugh like a maniac.

" sh.should've..seen..your..f-face!" She said inbetween giggles."

Sometimes I wonder if Gen escaped from a mental hospital.

She got up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Okay are you done?" I ask.

"Yep. Let's go."

We went to my car and as I was about to open the driver's seat "Wait! Harry! I wanna drive! Please let me! I just got my driver's license and I wann try my new skillz on a big car!!!" Gen pleaded.

I looked at my Range Rover then at Gen who was now doing puppy dog eyes and clasping her hands together.

I let out a huge sigh. "Fine."

She shrieked and opened the car door. She tried to get in. TRIED being the key word. She groaned. I grabbed her waist and lifted her up onto the seat.

"Aww, thanks Haz!" She said as she pinched my cheek.

I jogged to the passenger's seat and as soon as the sound of the seatbelt clicked she steped on the gas pedal and drove off.

=Gen's POV=

"You're not that bad at driving." Harry said.

"Haha, well I should be. My dad sent me to a very exquisite driving school last summer. Gosh, where have you been?!" I exclaim in a posh accent since don't have a British accent.

'Well, if you must know. I was on a world tour with my bandmates for 4 months and I just got back yesterday. Gosh, whre have you been?!" he exclamis copying my tone.

I smirk. "I hate you Styles."

He smirked back "The more you hate the more you love, the more you love the more you hate. So I hate you more!!"

He kept quiet. Then I noticed he was staring at a park. "Ahhh..memories. Park over here." he said.

I parked at the parking lot and jumped off the car. We went to the park and to the swing.


Me and my parents just moved from California to Holmes Chapel, England. I got pretty upset since I didn't have any friends, so I decided to go to that park.

I was just swingning on th swing minding my own business then suddnly some moron stands infront of me then BAM! I hit him on the knee.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" I said as I got off the swing.

"No, It's alright."

"What do you mean it's alright?! Look, you're knee is bleeding!"

"Oh it is? I don't feel a thing!"

I groaned. "Well, atleast let me treat you to some icecream. My name is Genvieve but I much prefer Gen. I'm new here. What's your name?"

"Harry." He smiled.

*End of Flasback*

And that was the start of a beautiful friendship!! Haha, I feel so cheesy right now.

We swang on the swing together and we got higher and higher. We were so high I shouted. "JUMP!"

We jumped together but Harry landed first, I landed on top of him. To make this situation less awkward I shouted

"DOG PILE!!" We both chuckled.

To end our day, we laid on the grass and stared at the beautiful sunset.



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