Chapter 26

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I woke up to the sound of the waves crashing peacefully on the sand, birds chirping happliy and the wind passing by smoothly.

I smiled to myself. Today's gonna be a beautiful day.

I went over to Liz and woke her up.

We made our way to the kitchen and I saw Liam and Dani were already seated on the table.

Dani was reading a book and Liam was scrunching up his brows as he read the news paper.

"Morning, guys." I say cheerfully

"Good morning." they both say together, "Had a good sleep?" Liam asked

"Yep." I say as I put some bacon and eggs on mine and Liz's plates

"Lovely day isn't it?" Dani smiled

"Yeeess!!" I exclaim, "You guys going swimming??"

"Of course!" Dani replied, "I guess you are too?"

I nodded and continued with my breakfast.

Harry came downstairs momentarily with Alexis in his arms.

"Good Morning." he says in his deep, raspy, morning voice as he sat Alexis down beside Liz.

He headed over to the coffee maker and made himself some coffee then, he prepared food for Alexis.

He put the plate infront of her and she began to eat.

Then, he took the seat beside me.

As I was about to finish my food, he whispered in my ear, "Can we talk now?"

"Later." I whisper back, "So guys, what time are you going swimming?"


I watched from my seat beach seat (a/n : I don't know what those seats on the beaches are called. If you do, then please comment it,.) as Alexis and Liz plays in the sand making sand castles.

Haha, I remember doing that with Harry, not exactly doing that. We were having a contest. Yup, I know what you guys are thinking, FLASHBAAAACK.

*Flashback, Age 14*

"Harry! Stop it!" I squeal as he splashes water on me, "Harry! It's cold!"

"Really?" he smirks

I glare at him and splash him water right on his face.

"Hey! No fair!" he exclaimed, "I was only splashing water on your body!"

"Yes you were! On my drop dead gorgeous body!" I grin

"And you were splashing water on my face! My drop dead gorgeous face!" he grinned back

"Pffff....whatever Styles! No one cares!!" I chuckle

"Yeah, exept me!" he says

"Kids, why don't you play on the sand, yeah?" my mum asked noticing we were almost close to having a fight

We both glared at eachother as we made our way to shore.

We started out in making a sandcastle. And I had a hissy fit about weather or not to put seashells on it.

"Ugh! Seriuosly Gen! It's just a sandcastle!" Harry exclaimed

"Well, it's mine too! So I also have the permission to put stuff on it!" I retort

I heared my mother sigh loudly, "Why don't you guys just have a sandcastle- making contest?" she suggested

Our faces lit up and we went straight to work.

Dude, that should be me! (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now