Chapter 20

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It's been two days since Christmas and Harry asked me about 20 times about who Liz's dad is everyday but I got away with it.

Right now I'm in the kitchen washing the dishes while Liz, Alexis, Sandra and Harry are upstairs.

Hurry up Gen! Harry can go down here any moment.

I was just about to rinse the last plate when -

"Gen!!!" He shouts in a sing-song voice.


I rinsed it and dried it quickly and placed it on the rack.

"Umm....yes?" I ask

"Erm...just wanted to tell you that Liz and Alexis are umm....fighting." he said

I let out a sigh of relief cause Harry didn't ask me again.

Then my eyes widen.

I raced up the stairs and found my daughter lying on the ground (a/n:NOW I'M LYING ON THE COLD HARD GROUND! sorry... :)) ) crying.

I looked around the room and saw Alexis laughing her behind off in the corner of the room.

I soooo wanted to slap that smirk off of her face. But I didn't , I mean - she's a kid.

I lifted her up the floor and carried her.

Alexis sticked her stupid little tongue out at me. I sticked mine out back.

I stormed out of the room with Liz in my arms and went in the guest room.

I saw Sandra asleep on the bed and Harry sitting up with a weird expression on his face.

I glared at Sandra sleeping soundly then I slap her.

"Gen!" Harry gasped

"Ouch!" Sandra exclaimed.

"Your kid is an absoloute pain in the ass!" I shouted not at all caring I have my daughter right in front of me.

"Excuse me?" Sandra gasped

"Excuse you?! Sorry, I can't! This is an outrage!" I shout

"What even happened?!" Sandra shouted now standing up.

"You tell me!" I shouted again, "I can't blame her though, it's not her fault she's got a bitchy mother!"

"Who the hell are you talking about?! Are you questioning my parenting?!" she gasped

"Oh, YES I AM! Isn't it obvious?! Or maybe you just don't have a brain to fucking know!" I retort

"Okay Gen! That is enough!" Harry shouted

Me and Sandra just stared at him and guess what.

Guess what!

Sandra burst out crying.


"What the fuck Gen!" Harry shouted

"What Harry?! Now you're taking her side just cause she's your girlfriend?!" I shout

"I never thought you'd go THIS far Gen! Can't Alexis and Liz just talk it over?!" he shouted back

"You know what Harry?! ! This is my fucking DAUGHTER we're talking about!" I exclaim

"SO WHAT?!" he retorted, "I don't give a shit about her! Cause she's not mine!"

I could feel tears pricking in my eyes.

I glared at him and I wiped a stray tear from my cheek.

"Why are you crying?" he asked


I sobbed loudly and stormed out of the room.

I went in my room and saw Alexis sitting on the bed.

"Look, just say sorry and you're forgiven. But tell your parents to never talk to me and Liz. Ever again." I say

She glared at me and shouted "NO!" then she went out of the room.


Just like her mother.

I put Liz down on the bed and put her to sleep.

Then I got my Diary from under my bed.

Yes, I still have my Diary.

It's got lots of pages.

I grabbed my pen from the drawer and angrily wrote on it.


Dear Diary,

Harry , Sandra and their kid are all being such pains in the ass!!!

Especially Sandra.

Ergh I hate her.

Harry said pretty mean things to me.

If only he knew!

Fuck him!


I hate them. ALL.

Even words can't describe it!

Anyway, I'm going to ask Liz tomorrow what happened between her and Alexis.

Alexis is such a spoiled little brat!


She didn't even apologise!


Okay. Bye.


I closed it and put it back under my bed.

I kissed Liz's forehead and went to sleep.



Sooo sorry it was just a filler lol

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