Chapter 50

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I stare at Harry, with the same expression that he has. "W-what?"

"I said, I remember everything," He answers.

I stare at him, obviously still shocked. I honestly don't know how to react. And he doesn't seem to know what to say.

"I.. uh--" He starts, but Sandra's voice cuts him off.

"Harry! I'm home!" She shouts as we hear the door close.

"Shit," I hear Harry curse under his breath.

"We'll talk later, yeah?" He asks with hopeful eyes.

"Uh.. yeah. Later," I answer.

He nods, and goes back downstairs.

I stand there, dumbfounded, and I finally close the door and sit back down on my bed.

Is he serious or is he fucking with me?


Harry's POV

As I read Gen's diary awhileago, the memories started flooding back in my brain page by page.

I probably looked really stupid awhileago, just barging into Gen's room with nothing to say. And I don't really know how to react towards Sandra right now.

I just feel really bad now because I was always shouting at Gen, and I even slapped her before. And I can't believe I listened to Sandra.

I admit though, when I remembered that Sandra cheated on me, I felt a little pang in my chest. And I think it really doesn't make sense, considering the fact that I don't like her anymore, let alone love. Duh.

And I really can't believe I didn't remember Liz! My own daughter!

I sigh as I run my hand through my hair. I think of what to say to Gen when we talk later, and how I will confront Sandra.

I get pulled away from my thoughts when I hear Sandra's booming voice from downstairs. "What the fuck?! What the fuck is this? Harry!"

My eyes widen as I remember that I left the scrapbook and diary on the coffee table.

I go downstairs, and just as I had expected, a raging Sandra is holding the scrapbook and diary in her hands.

"Didn't I tell you not to fucking touch these?!" She shouts.

I just glare at her.

"Did you read these?" She shouts, again.

"Yes. Yes I did," I answer.

"You were already doing so well on regaining your memory--"

I cut her off. "I think I have already, thank you very much."

"What? What do you mean you already have?! See? She's messed your mind up already!" She exclaims.

I was going to answer back, when someone talks from behind me.

"You really are the best actress I've ever known," Sandra looks behind me, and so do I.

"Bravo." Gen smirks.

She laughs and claps her hands slowly.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Sandra asks as her lips tremble abit

"What? What do you mean by that?" Gen mocks. "Don't play dumb with me,"

"I honestly have no idea on what you're talking about. All I know is that you should stop messing with Harry's head," She answers coldly.

"Oh god. Give it up already Sandra!" Gen exclaims with annoyance.

"You give it up!" Sandra shouts back.

"Stop playing Miss Innocent. You may be a good actor, but not at this role, hun." Geretorts.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not acting. I'm being serious. Cut it out Gen!"

"You fucking liar," Gen snarls.

"What?! I am not a liar! Harry! Make her stop!"

"Quit it Sandra!" Gen says, and they both glare at eachother.

I honesly don't know what to say or do.

After a few moments, I finally thought of something to say, and I say it with confidence.

"I agree with her. I think you should stop," I smirk.

Sandra's trembling body relaxes abit, and Gen's eyes go wide.

"You fucking liar. You think I would believe you?" I let out a throaty chuckle.

Sandra smiles abit, and Gen's jaw drops.

"Now, if you may, please get the fuck out of my house."

Gen's POV.

I feel numb and I'm not really sure on how to react.

Sandra smiles widely, and clings her arm on Harry's.

"Ugh. Finally! I though you would never send her out," She says.

Harry's eyes widen, and he takes his arm out of Sandra's. "What?" He snaps at Sandra.

Sandra's face pales abit, and she starts to stutter words that are barely audible. Then, she finally finds her tongue.

"W-well.. um, you just said that you were gonna send Gen out--"

Harry cuts her off. "Oh my god, you thought I was talking to Gen?" he laughs as he lifts her chin up. "Sandra, baby. I was talking to you,"

The moment he said those words, I swear the color on Sandra's face disappeared completely.

"W-what?" Sandra squeaked.

Harry's face suddenly hardens.

"You heared me. Now get the fuck out, bitch."

Sandra's eyes widen. "N-no. You can't do this. I love you Harry!"

Harry stays quiet.

"What about Alexis?!" Sandra exclaims.

Harry looks so frustrated as he glares at her. "Are you using that line on me again? Please, Sandra. Just go back to that guy you cheated on me with. You fucking whore."

I gasp, and so does Sandra.

"Sandra, get out already. Please." I say.

Her face hardens almost immediately. "Fine." She spat. "I will get out, but this will not be the last that you've seen of me,"

And with that, she opens the door and slams it shut.

Then she comes in again and says, "I forgot Alexis and I'm going to get my clothes," then she goes upstairs.

Wow. So much for a dramatic exit. I couldn't help but laugh abit.

After a few minutes, she's downstairs again, with a suitcase in one hand, and Alexis holding the other, with her own suitcase.

They go outside and she slams the door shut again.



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