Chapter 32

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"Aaaahhhhh!!!" I scream as I open my eyes, I find Sara staring at me, her face was so close to mine!

"Sara! What the hell?!" I exclaim

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bacey." she says in a sing-song voice

I roll my eyes.

"You're still mad, aren't you?'' she asks

"Duuuuuh." I murmer

"Aaaw, come on, Gen! Get uuuuuupppp!" she says

"What if I don't want to?" I say through my pillow

"Well... I'm gonna make you." she states

"Okay, make me." I smirk

She goes to the door and shouts, "Harry!"

"OMG! NO! SEE?! IM UP!'' I say as I stand up

"Yeah?" he asks from the hall way

I glare at Sara.

"Uhm... No Harry! Never mind!" she shouts

"Alright." his voice echoed in the hallways

I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Come on, Gen. We'll make it up to you." she pleads," I know! We'll go Roller Skating!"

"Roller Skating?" I ask

"Yeah!" she says then begins to jump up and down

"No Sare, I don't know how to---"

"We'll call a babysitter for the kids!" she shouts, "Come on, Gen! Get dressed!"

"Sare! You don't get it, I don't know---"

"Get dressed! I'm gonna tell the others!" she says then skids out of the room

I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and head to the closet.

I pick out some skinny jeans and a hanging shirt that says, "HIPSTA PLEASE."

I throw them on and tie my hair into a pony tail, I grab my phone and wallet and stuff them in my bag.

"Bye, Mummy!" Liz says

"Bye Liz." I say as I kiss her forehead, "Be good to the baby sitter!"

She grins and nods.

I smile at her and go outside.

The baby sitter goes in, "Gen, this is my favorite cousin, Molly."

"Hi Molly, please be sure that they eat their food in time and they have their afternoon nap." me and Harry say in unison

I roll my eyes.

"Of course." she smiles

I nod and we all head out, "Lock all the doors!" I shout

We all pile in the car and Louis starts to drive.

The whole trip, Eleanor kept on poking my cheek.

"Are you still angry?" she finally asks

"Yep." I answer

Then, she grins.


"You guys go ahead, I'm not really in the mood to go roller skating." I sigh

They all start begging me, but Sandra rolled her eyes and dragsHarry to the rink.

"Come on Gen! How are we suppose to make it up to you if you won't enjoy?!" Sara asks

"I told you Sare, I don't know how to---"

Dude, that should be me! (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now