Chapter 33

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"Happy Brithday Gen!" Louis shouts in my face

I wipe the saliva off of my lips, "Thanks, Lou."

"Heeere!" he says and hands me his gift

I smile.

"You're oooooold." El told me as she hugged me

"El, you're older than me." I remind her

She pulls away and scowls.

"Happy Birthday!!" Sara smiled

"Thanks, Sare."

For my birthday, they suggested on going to Nandos for dinner in some mall.

This mall has loooots of floors.

And Nandos is on the top floor --- 10th.

We all placed our orders and began to talk.

"So, you're leaving tomorrow, huh?" Sara asked

I nod.

"I'm gonna miss yoooouuuuuu!!!!'' El shouts

I look around and breath a sigh of relief when I see the restarant is completely empty.

"I'm gonna miss you too, El." I smile

Harry has not been making eye contact with me aaaalll day and I'm starting to wonder.

I nudge him with my elbow.

"Oi, don't I get a happy birthday?'' I ask

"Happy Birthday!" he exclaims and hugs me

He hugged me.

He hugged me.

He hugged me.

He hugged me.

He hugged me.

Is this real life?

Then, he pulled away and gave me a thumbs up.

He hugged meeeeeeh!


Dude, he hugged me!

Liz smiles at me.

I looked at Sandra and she rolled her eyes.

After a couple of minutes, the food finally came and we all digged in.

Yes, of course I'm sad that I'm leaving, but I don't wanna rub it in all of them.

I sigh loudly as I play with the peice of chicken on my plate.

"Hey, Gen! Your chicken won't go in your mouth by itself you know?!" Perrie chuckled

I smiled and contiued to eat.

After about an half an hour, we all got up from our seats, payed and went out.

"Come on, Gen! Let us treat you to shopping!" El shriked

"Huh?" I ask

"Yeeaah! Come on!" Sara said and grabbed my arm, then they dragged me to TopShop.

El got me a few sleevless collared tops.

Dani bought me a few jeans.

Sara bought me a few leggings and skinny jeans.

Perrie bought me a few crop tops.

Well, in short, they pretty much got me a whole wardrobe for Paris.

And well, Sandra gave me a hair clip.

What can you expect? The bitch hates me.

"Shoooooeeeees!" Perrie says

Then, they drag me to every shoe shop on the whole 10th floor.

Sara got me a pair of turquoise-heeled Converse.

Dani got me a pair of white Converse.

Eleanor got me two pairs of TOMS. Brown and red.

Perrie got me a pair of Supras, Vans and some cream pumps.

And Sandra gave me a pair of Flip Flops. I'm surprised she even gave me a gift.

Right now, all the boys' hands were filled with different sizes of paper bags.

"Hey girls, don't you think it's our turn?" Liam asked

The girls sighed and took the paper bags from them, then Lou grabbed my hand and they dragged me to different shops.

Niall got me a WHOLE pack of food.

Liam got me a bunch of books.

Zayn got me some beauty products.

Louis got me a Wii. I know right.

And Harry got me a bracelet with a matching necklace. The necklace had a diamond studded heart. Same goes with the bracelet.

"Woah, Harry. This looks pretty expensive." I say as I examine it.

"It's nothing really." he smiles

"Thanks." I say

He nods


After a few more hours of staying at the same floor, they said we should eat dinner.

On the same floor.

We ate in a Italian restaurant.

I offered to pay, but they turned me down.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

After we ate, we all headed out of the restaurant.

"Okay, it's time to go home noooow!" Liam announced

All of us complained but then, Sara shouted, "Hold on!"

Then, she scampered off to a store.

After a couple of minutes, she gives me a paper bag with a blanket.

"Incase you get home sick." she smiles

"Thanks." I grin, "Now, come on. I've an early flight tomorrow."

We go to the elevator, and when the doors open it was empty.

They all went inside, and it immidielty got full, you know with the paper bags and all.

"I'll stay behind, you guys go ahead." I say and wave bye to Liz

"Uh.. Yeah I will too." Harry says from behind me

They all nod, and Sandra rolls her eyes.

Sara and Niall grinned.

Zayn and Perrie smirked.

Louis and El looked like they were about to burst from excitement.

And Dani and Liam had huge smiles on their faces.

They stayed like that, until the doors closed.

I looked at Harry and he had the same confused look as I do.

After a couple of minutes, the elevator came back and me and Harry entered.

Guess what?

We haven't even reached the 9th floor yet, and the elevator stopped, and the lights went off.

I looked at Harry and he looked shocked.

"What the hell?" I ask

I walk towards the door and start to bang on it.

Harry helps me, "Help!"

But no one will come for help, we're in the middle of the 9th and 10th floor.

Nobody would hear us.

We were stuck.



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