Chapter 19

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"Merry Christmas Mum!!!!!" Liz said while shaking me to wake up.

"Merry Christmas Cupckake." I say as I squint my eyes

"I've got a present for you!!" she exlaimed happily

"Oh really? What is it?" I ask

"I'm not telling until you give me mine." she grinned

I got up from my bed and went into the guest room since that's where I hid her gift.

I open the door -

"Holy mother of cupcakes!!" I exclaim as I walk in on Harry and Sandra making out.

With Alexis sleeping right between them.


Now THATS what I call bad parenting.

"Oh my God!" Sandra shouted which made Alexis wake up.

"What the hell are you doing in my guest room?!" I exclaim

"MY guest room." Harry corrected.

You see, when Harry left I renovated the place so it now has more rooms.

"That's not the point." I snap back

"Harry was just giving me my present." Sandra said.

Oh my God! Christmas MORNING and I'm already stressed.

"With a kid in the room?! You guys should have an award for "THE BEST PARENTS EVER!" I say

"Really?! Thanks!" Sandra says obviously not noticing the hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"I was being sarcastic hun." I say

I roll my eyes and get the box out from under the bed.

I give them one last glare and make my way back to my room.

As soon as Liz laid her eyes on the big box she jumped for joy.

"Can I open it now Mummy?!?!" she shouted almost making my eardrums burst

"Sure whatever you want hunny. I'll be downstairs." I say

I went downstairs and heared an ear peircing scream.

She must've opened it already.

I bought her 2 DisneyLand tickets and hid them in a big box so it wouldn't be obvious.

She ran to me and hugged me ''I LOVE YOU MUMMY!!!!"

"Now where's my gift?" I asked

"I don't have one." she grinned

Nice plan. I taught her well.

I grinned and shrugged.

"Now come on, eat your pudding so we can pass by Aunt Sara's." I smile

She eats two cups of pudding and when she finishes we go to our room and pick out what we're going to wear.

"What about the matching Santa Claus sweater mummy?" she says

I grab both of it and get some pants.

We wear them and go downstairs.

I see Harry, Alexis and Sandra eating the pudding I made.

I was like : Bitch please, you're not allowed to eat.

But I just shrugged it off.

I help Liz put on her snow boots and I wear mine.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked

"None of your damn business." I mutter

"To Aunt Sara's!!!" Liz happily replied

"Who's Aunt Sara?" he asked again

"Why do you care?" I mutter once more

"My second mum!" Liz answered happily again.

"Your second mum?" he said

"Yes! She helped mummy when daddy was gone! But mummy won't tell me who daddy is so...I don't know." she said

"Okay we're leaving now. Come on Liz." I say

We head to the sidewalk and I hold her hand.

We walk to Sara's place and I knock on her door.

"Who is it?!" an Irish voice rang.

"Sara! It's me! Gen!" I say

She opened the door and grinned widely "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!" she exclaimed

"Merry Christmas Aunt Sara!" Liz said , Sara smiled and we headed inside.

"Oh my God! Gen! You'll neveeeer guess what happened to me yesterday right after you left!!" she exclaimed while jumping up and down.

"What?" I ask

"NIALL HORAN ASKED ME OUT!!" she shrieked

"On a date?" I ask

"No! On a fight! Yes in a date!" Sara says as she hands Liz her present.

Liz opened it and I see it's a toothbrush with Harry's face on it.


Liz grinned widely and started jumping up and down.

"Thanks Aunt Sara!!!"

"Hey, no prob!"


I go downstairs in search for my phone.

I finally found it on the couch and I turn around to see Harry standing there.

"Hey, I've got a question." he said

"What?" I snap as I roll my eyes

"Who's Liz's father?" he asked as he took a bite out of his Twix bar.




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