Chapter 27

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-3 days later-


Uuggghhhh, sooo boring!

Right now, we are all just on my couch watching TV.

"Guys! It's my last 4 weeks before I go back to work! Why don't we do something productive ???!!" I ask

"Errrrmm.." Louis says as he taps his chin

"We could play!" El exclaimed

"Play?" I ask in disbelief, "El...we are all in our 20's now. And you expect us to 'Play'??"

"Yes!" she grinned, "Like, ya know, NERF!!!!!"

"Yeeees!!" Niall exclaimed

"Sounds good." Liam smiled

"Count me in!" Zayn said

The next thing I know, we are all in the basement getting my Nerf guns.

I told Liz and Alexis to stay in the playroom.

Us adults, gathered around the table.

"Okay, first of all, playroom is OFF LIMITS!" Harry said

"Awww...why??" Louis pouted

"Louis, babe. Liz and Alexis are in there." El says. We all nod

"NO forming alliances! If you DO form one, you will be DISSQUALIFIED. Got it?" I say

They all nod.

"No, luring someone into a trap!" Zayn said

"Mhmm." We all say

After some more rules, we each have 3 minutes to hide. Well, me? I don't hide. I just sit in the middle of the table waiting for prey.

"3 minutes is up! Game starts now!" I hear Liam shout from upstairs

I swear, I could hear snickering from under the table.

I took a little peek and saw El and Sara

I quickly shot them both.

"Hey! No forming alliances!" I exclaim,"El and Sara are dissqualified!!"

I gave Sara a little pouty face to show her I didn't really like what I did.

One of the rules were, to get the guns of those you shot. So now I have 3!!

They just stay under the table. I waited some more and I heared 2 feet shuffling in the kitchen.

I quickly hold my breathe as I hide beside the table.

As I expected, Niall came out of the kitchen with his gun on his right hand and a donut on his left.

I knew what Sara would do, I quickly cover her mouth preventing her to scream Niall's name.

"Sara! Shut up!" I scream- whisper.

I stand up quietly and press the trigger.

"Niall's out!" I shout as I sit on the table again

-15 minutes later-

8 are out. 3 more, Me, Harry and Lou.

I took Sandra out awhile ago and I loved it.

I seriously pelted her even if I knew she was out already.

What if Harry and Lou are allies?

I shook the thought out of my head and headed to the attic quietly.

I heared heavy breathing coming from the suitcases.

Without thinking twice, I pulled the trigger.

Dude, that should be me! (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now