"Not as long as you make breakfast with me." Hobi cheers, clapping his hands in a fashion similar to a drunk sea-lion. Jimin gives Suga's warm hand one last squeeze before gently peeling off his vice-like grip one finger at a time. 

      "Suga likes Kimchi best."

      "Then Kimchi it is!"

*      *      *      *

      The bell dings cheerily as Jimin pushes the door open, the bright smile on his face greatly contrasting the exhausted look it sported just the day before. The dark bags under his eyes are still there, same with the paleness of his complexion, but the difference from yesterday is instantly noticed by Mina's observant eyes.

      "The usual?" Mina asks sweetly, her hands already moving for the medium size cup, "Without the extra two shots this time?"

      "Yes please," Jimin chirps, his eyes twinkling as he strains to save his cheer-worthy news for B's ears only. In all honesty, he wants to shout it out to the world so that everyone can share his joy for the successful completion of his mission, but he also wants B to know about it first, since she's the one who made it happen. Well, second, if you can count Hobi. Not that Jimin's counting Hobi.

      "What's got you all bright and sunny this fine morning, Jimin-ssi?" Mina asks, her honey brown eyes sparkling with their usual mischievous luster as they flicker from coffee machine to Jimin and back again, "Going on a date with your girlfriend? Getting married? Having a kid?"

      "W-what? No!" Jimin sputters, completely caught off guard by her strangely personal questions, "I don't even have a girlfriend, why would I be getting married or having kids?"

      "I don't know," Mina giggles at his response, laughing again when he gives her an incredulous look, "I just assumed that a handsome man like you wouldn't be single, that's all."

      Handsome man? Did you hear that, Jin? I'm not some bratty kid anymore; I'm a handsome man! I'm so shoving this in Jin's face when I get home.

      "Uh- thanks?" Jimin scratches his neck, blinking repeatedly before shoving the odd compliment out of the way of his supreme-reigning joy, "Actually, it's one of my friends that's made me this happy."

      "Oh really?" Mina muses, inwardly cheering as if the Seahawks had won the Superbowl (Not that they have the Superbowl in Korea, and not that I actually like football (I hate football) but you get the expression). Sweet, single, and loyal to his friends? Mina, you've hit the jackpot and better make it happen this time, or it'll never work, "Mind if I ask what?"

      "Yeah, actually..." Jimin smiles and looks down at the floor in embarrassment, "I actually want to tell B first, before I tell anyone else."

      "B?" Mina's head snaps up, surprise lurking in their light depths, "The nerd girl?"

      "You mean the girl you called your best friend that you made me do the dare on?" Jimin snorts, rolling his eyes playfully at her surprise, "Yes, her. She actually helped me with an issue I was having, and it worked really well."

      Both pairs of eyes flicker to the table in the back, where the girl with shimmering silver-white hair is already sitting with her entire face hidden behind a book. Mina raises an eyebrow, secretly impressed with herself. I know I'm good, but I didn't know I was this good. Mina smirks before handing a brightly smiling Jimin his coffee.

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