Chapter 19: Last Thoughts

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Chapter 19:

Okay vote & comment and I will love you forever. God I haven't updated in forever but whatever, Continue:

:::Still Allison's P.O.V:::

Now to map it all out...

"Oh William!" I called huskily.

"Y-yes Miss Allison?" William asked shyly. Oh how I am going to destroy him and take over.

"I was wondering...if you could teach me about...Vlad and Raven's weaknesses and strengths." I whispered in his ear.

"Su-sure Miss. Follow m-me." I followed after his shaky footsteps to the ballroom.

"There are only few things I know already." I spoke before William, I really didn't want to be around this creep.

"Right well obviously you have seen Raven's familiar, you have yet to see Vlad's though." He said pacing the room.

"What is Raven capable of exactly?" I asked taking in a shaky breath.

"Well I cannot answer that because we are not sure yet. She has shown extreme power, but I fear there is much, much more to her." William kept pacing, his eyes screwed shut in concentration, "We know that if she tried she could be match up with Vlad and his power?" I asked, giving into my own deep thoughts.

"You do know who Vlad is right?" William asked seriously. I shook my head and William looked shocked.

"Dracula." that simple word sent shivers down my spine.

"You mean THE Dracula!? The one who was the Prince of Wallachia? The one who impaled innocent women and children and listened to their screams as he ate!? That Vlad!?" I yelled out of breath.

"Yes. That one." William said gruffly as he shot me an annoyed look.

"I take it you get this a lot?" I asked shakily. I still couldn't believe I was in the home of the Impaler Prince. I thought back to my plan to break them up, then I thought of the consequences...

"Yes, trying to break up Vlad and Raven...would be more than a mistake, if she ever went missing, it might cause the end of everything that walks." I shivered when William told me this. I think I will still go through with it though...because when Raven is gone, Vlad will have me to console him.

"So what are Raven's weaknesses?" I asked curiously. This could help in destroying her.

"Typical holy artifacts, someone undermining her strength, which I recommend you do not do, and someone hurting Vlad, that's all I can name." William said with this his hands rubbing his temples. Well I wasn't going to hurt Vlad, that is almost physically impossible. Holy artifacts and undermining her strength will be included. Vlad. Will. Be. Mine. *insert crazed maniacal laughter. And William's 'what-the-fuck look*

:::Raven P.O.V:::

I am so dead...

Well more dead than I already am.

But still, I am so DEAD.

Why hasn't he hurt me yet!? Killed me, staked me, raped me...!?

I am still here in the bedroom, awaiting what doom Vlad has planned. All I knew is he was going to treat me like I was his personal bitch.

Screw that.

Its not happening.

"Oh Raven, come down for bloooood." A voice taunted me. I could not resist drinking, it truly has been to long since I had the wonderful tangy liquid. I walked out of the room, hesitating at the one drafty bedroom. The door slowly creaked open and next thing I know, a cross is pressed to my neck and holy water is spilled down my arms. I bit my tongue, trying to ignore the pain. A black cloth was tied over my face, I started to thrash about, but it only cause more pain. When the mystery person started dragging me, my last thoughts were,

"I love you, Vlad" and it all went black.

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