Chapter 6: New Love?

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Sorry but chapter 6 is going to be short. Please vote&comment..blah blah blah blah blah-you know what to do.



\"Hello daddy! Hello mom! ch-ch-cherrrry bomb!\" cherry bomb? shaking my head, I started back to my house, ignoring the blasting music from the clubs as I passed.


\"No sorry, I don\'t know a Raven.\" I lied. It was that stupid mutt.

\"Oh alright. Have a nice night.\" Finally. Peace.


The scent of blood was strong. Something tells me Raven had something to do with it. I wandered down the streets towards some bar infested area and the scent only grew stronger. In my path was what looked like a girl with a her hood up. She has waist length black hair and deathly pale skin, I couldn\'t tell if it was Raven or not.

\"Raven?\" I questioned.

\"No sorry, I don\'t know a Raven.\" She had a voice like bells, nothing like Raven\'s voice, which was raspy and well, quite frightening.

\"Oh alright. Have a nice night.\" I shrugged the mistake off and turned down the ally the woman exited from and my eyes bugged out of my head.

There was a man with two puncture wounds to his jugular, he had beer stains down his shirt and his eyes were glazed over in pain. I left the ally acting like nothing happened and walked towards my home, we might have another vampire on our hands...

:::RAVEN P.O.V:::

I snuck a peek at the mutts thoughts before he ran off. So he thinks he is getting trouble for a second vampire? Did he bother to try to pick up my scent? Idiot.

A few minutes later I arrived at my house, preparing for an interesting day at school and planning my second attack...maybe I could use this \'second vampire\' to my advantage


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