Chapter Two:Taken

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(Pic is of Laura's Parents)
"Dad slow down your going to get in a car accident" I said trying to lighten the mood.
Silence. Is he ignoring me?
"Why don't we turn on the radio" I mumbled turning it on.
Some random pop song filled my ears. It was way better than hearing absolute silence. I always hated it. I was always talking so if I became quiet there was probably something wrong with me.
Once we arrived home my dad turned down the radio.
"Stay in the car. I'll be right back" he stated hastily slamming the car door shut and locking it behind him.
I started flipping through the radio stations and stopped at some channel. Riptide came on so I started humming along to it.
It took almost four minutes before my mom and dad came running out with suitcases. Weird? Were we going on some last minute vacation?
I moved to the backseat knowing my mom would probably want the front. Once the suitcases were all in the trunk. They both got in and my father started speeding.
"Can you guys tell me where we are going" I asked clicking on my seatbelt.
"To our summer house" my dad stated.
"Ugh you know that's like three hours away and I didn't even get to pack any bathing suits".
"Not to worry we'll be able to buy more bathing suits for you" my dad responded.
My mom was sniffing before she let out a big sob.
"I can't loose her. She's the only child I ever have and possibly ever will have" my mom cried.
"We won't".
"Why would you guys loose me" I questioned.
Nobody was answering. Are they seriously ignoring my question! As she cried and my dad kept his eyes on the road and his foot on the gas pedal. I stared out the window. Humming to myself. I never liked silence. I heard my mom chuckle. She probably heard my loud humming.
"Somebody is following us" I stated after I saw the same black SUV make the same turns as us for three minutes straight.
"James! Watch out" my mom yelled as my father tried stopping but rammed right into the car that was in front of us.
The impact was hard as the airbags shot out and my father sunk into it. My dad had his head on the airbag while my mom was taking deep breaths.
"Dad" I cried unbuckling my seatbelt.
My mom was crying hysterically as she saw three men bulky men covered in tattoos make there way towards us.
"Maybe they just wanna help"I stated getting a little dizzy.
"No. When I tell you to run, run to some house so they can help you".
"Open your door NOW!".
I opened my door as my mom opened hers. The wind was blowing and her hair was flying everywhere.
"Run" she shouted.
I did as I was told and ran. Straight into the woods the only place I could run to so I could hide.
There was definitely no houses for miles the best I could do was hide.
I had branches cutting into my arms and I was tripping on everything. I heard branches snapping behind me meaning somebody was running after me.
I ran even faster and stopped to catch my breath and hid in a bush. I put my hand on my mouth as I heard voices coming closer and closer to me.
All of sudden I was ripped out of my hiding spot and dragged by my hair to be put into a choke hold. They put a rag over my mouth. I wasn't going to breath it in. Not being able to hold my breath any longer I breathed it in toxins filled my lungs and my vision grew hazier.

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