She didn't make eye contact with me, which made me feel uneasy, but I was still glad I got to see her. Her and her dad sat down across the table from me.

She quickly looked up at me as she sat down, but she just as quickly averted her gaze to her lap. I let out a sigh as I watched her. I knew she felt my gaze on her, but she still didn't look back up at me.

I tapped my hands against the table and my leg under the table couldn't stop moving. I was trying to get control of my wolf before he got out of hand.

"Can't sit still?" Her father looked up at me with a knowing look, but I just rolled my eyes and focused on controlling my feelings.

"So what do you say?" He didn't waste anytime.

I was more than ready to bring her home, but her father was extra... eager.

"Can I have a minute alone with Orianna?" He quickly nodded his head and exited the room, leaving an antsy Akai and a silent Orianna.

"Are you not going to acknowledge me?" She paused for a second before she finally looked up and held my gaze.

I could see the storm brewing in her dark brown eyes. She was battling with her wolf about me. She was only making it harder on herself by acting like she felt nothing for me.

"Now that you've acknowledged me- are you going to say anything?" She huffed as I continued to speak trying to bring her out her little "mateless" shell that she put herself in.

"What is there to say?" She spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Why?" I said back with an equally irritated voice.

"Why what?"

"Why are you acting like you don't want me? Why are you making this so hard on yourself? I don't get it!" I threw my hands up in frustration.

She stayed silent for a while before answering. I didn't push her to answer anything, but I did hope for an explanation. I hadn't known her for a long time, but I already knew she would be a hard cookie to crack. She had problems and I wanted to help her get through them, but I couldn't do that if she hid from me.

"I don't feel like talking... it's not like you want to get to know me anyway- you're just using me for yourself, your pack, and a heir." She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders like she didn't care, but I could tell that she did.

She cared a lot, but she didn't want to acknowledge her true feelings.

"Let's just get this over with- I already know the deal, so let's go to your pack." She leaned back in her chair and just stared at me with a blank expression.


"Just... don't. I'll go pack up." She stood up quickly and walked out the room. She didn't turn to acknowledge me or anything. She was so frustrating at times, but I didn't want a mate that complied to my every wish either.

'It would all work out' that's what I've been telling myself for the past 3 months. I just wanted to be happy... with my mate and I'd do anything to make sure that that happens. I didn't know about her existence before, but I know her now and there's not one thing I wouldn't do for her and her happiness.


After 5 minutes of sitting alone, my boredom had maxed out, so I stood up and walked aimlessly around the pack house trying to find Orianna.

I had sniffed out her scent in the place it was strongest, and I guessed that it was her room.

I had finally find her room after a few minutes of searching. I just wanted to bust in and help her pack, so we could get to my pack house more quickly.

I held my hand out on her doorknob, ready to open her door and expose myself to her, but then I heard shuffling around, so I dropped my hand and put my ear up to the door.

"I knew he would do something like this, he just never wants me to be happy. I hate him so much!" I could hear her soft cries through the thin door. I wanted to just open the door and wrap her small body in mine and make all her sadness go away.

"It's fine. I love you and you know I'll be there for you forever. If you ever need to get away from him, I have no problem with helping you." The room went silent as the male finished speaking.

My blood was beyond scorching. She was really trying to have me kill someone today. I hadn't planned on doing any of that tonight, but I would gladly waltz in her room right now and snap the neck of whoever was in there.

With rage clouding all my senses, my hand gripped her doorknob again, but this time I open it and bust in.

"You're going to die!"


This is a random question, but do you like Orianna or Akai's POV better?

Just so I can know who's POV I should write in more.

Also who do you think is in the room? And is he going to die?😉

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