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Alan Walker- Faded

It had been so long. I had contemplated on telling Bruce the truth for years but as they slipped by, I feared he'd hate me for keeping this to myself for so long. I feared he'd reject her because I couldn't own up to this but I couldn't keep this to myself anymore, not right now. This went beyond what I want at the moment. There is no one else who could help me find my daughter. I hate the circumstances of this confession but there is no other way. 

The place looks just like it did when we were young. Well kept, massive, and intimidating. He had always been intimidating. There had been an edge to him even before he became the masked crusader. Even before his parents were gone. Bruce had this look in his eyes that simply captivated me with no room to look away. It was why I had left. Why I had hidden her from him.

I raised my hand knocking on the massive double doors that become the Wayne Manor entrance. The door was pulled open by a boy no older than fourteen. It's like a really bad case of deja vu. He stood before me making my heart skip. The boy is a spitting image of bruce at that age. 

"Who are you?" he asked almost as if he were displeased with my presence. This boy is definitely Bruce Wayne's son. 

"Master Damian, we've discussed your manors when answering the door," that was a voice I'd never forget. 

"Alfred," I smiled. 

"Lady Elizabeth," he smiled. "It's been so long. Do some in," 

"Father will have a word with you about letting strange women into his home," the boy sassed before walking away. 

"Oh, my god. He looks just like him," I said when he was out of sight. Alfred smiled agreeing with him. 

"What can I do for you?" he asked. Alfred. Always the perfect gentleman. 

"I'm looking for Bruce," 

"You've found him," I felt the energy drain out of my body with the sound of his booming voice. It came from behind me and I had to remind myself why I was here. "Beth, you look amazing," 

"Bruce," I said straightening up refusing to give him an indication of the effect he has on me still, after all these years. They've never faded, not even a little. 

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" he said coming over, wrapping his powerful arms around me. Knowing his secret only made the intimidation I already felt intensify. "Last I checked you were living in Star City,"

"Yeah, I wish I could say this is just some friendly visit, Bruce. I need your help or rather his help," I whispered that last part looking down at my feet feeling like a total idiot. 

"Come on. We'll talk in my study," he said placing his hand on my lower back. We walked into what used to be his father's study. The place looks like he spends a lot of his time here. "What's going on? Are you in some sort of trouble?" he asked once the door was shut. 

"Not me, Bruce. My daughter, Ilya," his sight zeroed on my face. 

"I wasn't aware that you had a daughter," he said sitting down. He motioned me to join him. I took the pictures she had sent me out of my purse before sitting across from him. 

"She's nineteen going on twenty," his grimace made me take a deep breath. "Ilyasveil went on a trip. She wanted to see the world and against my better instincts, I let her go. Every time she stopped somewhere she'd call and send me a postcard. It's been two weeks now and I haven't gotten a single call or postcard. The police say that I don't have enough probable cause to start an investigation especially because she didn't go missing within the country," 

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