Chapter 17- A house full of Enemies.

Start from the beginning

I begin to use my insanely awesome vampire slayer skills as I to slide noiselessly along the walls out of the living room to my room.

I reach the hallway outside our kitchen before I see the host of this little slumber party himself emerge from the bathroom.

“Riley? When’d you get home? Why are you wiping the wall with your back?” he questions groggily.

Ahh my brother. Ever the interrogator.

“About two minutes ago.  I was trying to slide along the wall like a spy slash vampire slayer. Why are there snoring males in our house?”

He looks at me before rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

“You need to pay more attention is assembly. Next week is the mini soccer tournament between the staff, old team members and the current open team. So some of our old friends and the team came over last night to catch up. Some got drunk and crashed. And before you ask dad does NOT know we were drinking and Emma was upstairs asleep when we started.”

I nod at him.

“So who come back for the game?” I ask genuinely curious. If it’s important to my brother then it is important to me.

“Well Dan agreed to play so that should be interesting. Abdhulla managed to free his weekend. Dylan Roberts. And a couple of others.”

“Wait, Dylan as in Cassie’s ex-boyfriend? The one whom she can’t stand. Pete I hope for you sake you did not let him into this house,”

Unfortunately, before Pete can reply he is rudely interrupted by a male voice.

“Hey Riley.” I turn around and look toward the direction of my kitchen and suddenly I realised why that Mercedes looked familiar. I have been forced to drive in that car by my best friend.

In my kitchen I see a very happy looking dickbag. In case you don’t know who dickbag is- it’s my little pet name for Jake. Technically he started calling me and Nataka psychopathic, short chicks first. True he didn’t know us properly and apologized but I still hadn’t forgiven him.

Let’s face it I will never like the guy. However, I shall be mature about this.

Therefore I reply to his greeting with a very polite, “Ergghhhhhh” I even add a scowl just to appear friendly.

I then turn to Pete.

“Pete. Brother dearest. Garbage collection was on Tuesday now we will have to wait a whole four days before we can dispose of this piece of trash. You really need to stop slacking on your chores. Tsk tsk, ” I state coldly whilst jerking my thumb in Jake’s direction.

Pete looks at me with wide eyes and I can tell he is extreamely angry at the way I treated his soccer mate.

“Jake. Man. Ignore my sister.”

Jake just laughs and shrugs it off with his hand.

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